Session 8: Trauma
17. November
09:30 - 11:00
Lokale: Vingsal 1
Chair: Per Gundtoft and Peter Toft Tengberg
51. How treatment of distal radius fractures in adults have changed over the years – a nationwide register study from Denmark of 276,145 fractures from 1997-2018
Søren Tofte¹, Per Hviid Gundtoft²³, Anders Bo Rønnegaard², Signe Steenstrup Jensen², Dennis Karimi², Bjarke¹² Viberg
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University
Hospital¹; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Lillebaelt
Hospital – University Hospital of Southern Denmark²; Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery and Traumatology, Aarhus University Hospital³
Background: The recommended treatment of distal radius
fracture (DRF) is an issue of debate and two
guidelines have been published in the last two
decades. The impact of the guidelines on the
treatment of DRF have not been studied on a
national level.
Aim: To assess the incidence, treatment and choice
of surgery concerning DRF in the adult
population. Secondarily, to assess the
differences in age groups 18-64 and 65+ years.
Materials and Methods: This is a populations-based register study
comprising all patients with DRF above 18 years
registered in the Danish National Patient
Registry from 1997-2018. Data was extracted
using ICD-10 code for DRF (DS525*) and
incidence was calculated using data from
Statistics Denmark. Primary surgery was
defined as surgical treatment within 3 weeks
from fracture diagnosis. Procedure codes were
used to define plate (KNCJ65), external fixation
(ExFix – KNCJ25), k-wire (KNCJ45), and others
Results: A total of 276,145 fractures were included,
depicting an overall incidence of
229/100,000/year. The mean incidence was 189
for 18-64 years compared to 679 for 65+ years.
During the study period, the incidence of DRF
increased from 209 to 249 with an increase of
31% in the total amount of DRF. This was
primarily due to a 41% increase in the 65+
Surgical treatment increased from 8% in 1997 to
22% in 2010, after which the increase plateaued
to 24% in 2018. There were no differences
regarding this increase in the two age groups.
In 1997, the treatment distribution of DRF were
59% ExFix, 20% plate, and 18% k-wire. In 2007,
plate was the primary choice with 41%, which
increased to 96% in 2018. The trends were
similar in the two age groups, but with a slightly
higher use of ExFix in the 65+ years from 1997-
2008 with a mean 59% compared to 48% in the
18-64 years.
Interpretation / Conclusion: This study found an increase in DRF, probably
due to an increase in the elderly population. The
surgical rate markedly increased from 1997-
2010 with no seeming difference between the
two age groups. A change in trend of surgical
method was found with volar plates being the
predominant choice in 2018. There seems to be
little impact of national guidelines and a surgical
rate of 24% must be questioned.
52. Degree of articular injury as measured by CT is associated with poor physical function following the treatment of bicondylar tibial plateau fractures
Kyla Huebner a, Jacob Mandell b, Michael Weaver a,b, Arvind von Keudell a,b,c
aHarvard Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
bDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: Bicondylar tibial plateau are complex
injuries that commonly require surgical
repair. Bicondylar plateau fractures have
been typically associated with worse
reductions and outcomes. Optimal long-
term clinical outcome is challenging due to
leg alignment abnormalities, instability and
difficulties restoring condylar width. While
intuitive, the degree of direct articular injury
has not been linked to outcomes in patients
with bicondylar tibial plateau fractures.
Aim: The primary aim of the study was to quantify
the articular surface disruption to assess for
any correlation between the degree of
articular injury and patient reported physical
Materials and Methods: We examined patients that had surgical
repair for a bicondylar tibial plateau fracture
at two level 1 trauma centers from 2013-
2016. Sixty patients with bicondylar plateau
fractures were consecutively selected.
Three patients did not have appropriate CT
scans and were excluded. A total of 57
patients were analyzed
CTs were evaluated by a blinded MSK
radiologist. The intraclass correlation
coefficient was calculated and Bland-Altman
analysis was performed to determine inter-
reader agreement
PROMIS® scores were collected from
patients in clinic at a minimum of 2 years
post-operative. Pearson correlation was
performed to assess associations between
percentage of disrupted articular surface
and PROMIS® scores.
Results: 57 patients included with an average age of
58 ± 14.3. Intraclass correlation coefficient
for the CT measurement was 0.913 (95% CI
0.79 – 0.96). There was near-perfect inter-
reader agreement, with no bias.
There was a correlation between
percentage of articular surface disruption
and total PROMIS® scores (0.4, CI: 0.2-
0.5, p=0.007). There was also a correlation
between surface damage and the physical
function of the PROMIS® scores (0.4, CI:
0.2- 0.6, p<0.001)
Interpretation / Conclusion: The novel method of quantifying articular
surface damage as a percentage of cross
sectional area on CT in this study is easy
and demonstrates high inter-reader
reliability, and correlation with PROMIS®
scores at minimum 2-year follow-up. It has
potential to help determine classification,
fixation strategies, and outcomes.
53. Evidence-based orthopaedic practice can be implemented in a structured way: the CEBO model
Jens-Christian Vedel, Dennis Winge Hallager, Stig Brorson
Centre for Evidence-Based Orthopaedics, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Zealand University Hospital, Denmark.
Background: Background: Orthopaedic practice and
clinical guidelines are not always updated
with evidence from randomized clinical
trials. The result can be an evidence-
practice gap. Management of distal radius
fractures (DRFs) in adults with open
reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) using
volar locking plate is common practice in
Denmark. This is partly based on a national
clinical guideline from 2014 which has not
been updated despite substantial new high-
quality evidence.
Aim: Purpose: To study the feasibility of changing
surgeons’ practice according to best
evidence when treating DRF in a Danish
university hospital.
Materials and Methods: Materials and methods: A new
implementation model from Centre for
Evidence-Based Orthopaedics (CEBO) was
applied. It consists of 4 phases: 1) baseline
practice is held up against best available
evidence and barriers to change are
assessed. 2) A consensus-based
symposium actively involving all
stakeholders discussing best evidence is
held and agreement on a new local
guideline is obtained. 3) The new guideline
based on the consensus decisions at the
symposium is prepared and implemented
into daily clinical practice. 4) Changes in
clinical practice are recorded.
We applied the model on the clinical
question of whether to use ORIF or closed
reduction and percutaneous pinning (CRPP)
in adults with dorsally displaced DRF.
Results: Findings: Prior to application of the model
only ORIF was used in the department.
Based on best evidence the symposium
found that a change in practice was
justified. A consensus-based local guideline
stating CRPP as first surgical choice was
implemented. If acceptable reduction could
not be obtained the procedure was
converted to ORIF. A year after
implementation the rate of ORIF had
decreased from 100% to 44 %.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Conclusions: It is feasible to change
surgeons’ practice according to best
evidence using a structured implementation
54. The effect of plate working length on interfragmentary motion in a distal femoral fracture – A biomechanical study
Jacob Lagoni, Isabelle Bilde Pfander, Asger Haugaard, Maria Sand Traberg, Ilija Ban, Søren Ohrt-Nissen
Department of Orthopaedics, Holbæk Hospital; Department of Health Technology,
Denmarks Technical University; Department of Orthopaedics, Herlev hospital;
Department of Health Technology, Denmarks Technical University; Department of
Orthopaedics, Hvidovre Hospital; Department of Orthopaedics, Hvidovre Hospital.
Background: Distal femoral fractures are typically treated by
bridging with locking plates. The mechanical
environment is influenced, among other things, by
working length (WL). Theoretically, increasing the
WL will increase the micromotion of the construct
(and thereby movement across the fracture), but
how the WL of modern locking plates affects
micromotion at an approximated physiological load
is not well established.
Aim: To quantify the effect of WL on micromotion in distal
femoral fractures.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen fourth-generation composite femurs were
sectioned to create a 10 mm transverse fracture
gap. The fracture was fixed (leaving the 10mm gap)
using a 13-hole locking plate with a short (95mm),
medium (135mm) and long (175mm) WL.
The constructs were mounted in an Instron machine
and then axially loaded from 50-750 N 50,000 times.
The primary outcome was the range of axial
deformation (micromotion) of the implant-femur
construct under cyclic loading.
A simplified Bernoulli-Euler beam model analysis
was performed to evaluate the contribution of plate
deformation on the observed micromotion and serve
as a control of the results.
Results: One sample from the long WL group was excluded
due to technical errors during testing leaving 14
constructs for analysis.
In the cyclic loading analysis, the median (min-max)
deformation was 2.47 (2.24-2.53) mm for the short
WL, 2.54 (2.18-2.73) mm for the medium and 2.53
(1.92-3.14) mm for the long WL (p=0.817). The
range of deformation remained constant throughout
the 50,000 cycles irrespective of the WL.
In the beam model, which neglected large
displacement effects, we found that the applied
loads were several orders of magnitude below the
critical buckling load of the plate. Thus, the
contribution of axial plate compression to the
observed deformation was negligible.
Interpretation / Conclusion: We found very small differences in fracture
micromotion between the three WL when applying
approximated physiological loading. We could not
confirm the well-established theory that WL is an
important contributor to micromotion (and thereby
fracture healing) in locking plate bridging of distal
femur fractures.
55. A multicenter cohort study of complication risk factors in intramedullary bone lengthening nails.
Markus Winther Frost ¹ ², Ole Rahbek ¹ ², Christopher Iobst ³ , Anirejuoritse Bafor ³ , Molly Duncan ³ , Søren Kold ¹ ²
1.Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Aalborg University Hospital
Hobrovej 18-22
9000 Aalborg Denmark:
2. Department of Clinical Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Aalborg University
Sdr. Skovvej 15
9000 Aalborg, Denmark:
3.Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Center for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction
Nationwide Children's Hospital
700 Children's Drive
Suite T2E-A2700
Background: Lower limb lengthening with externally controlled
bone lengthening nails has become increasingly
popular. Today the FITBONE and the PRECICE
lengthening nails are the most used and successful
bone lengthening nails. There is, however, a lack of
knowledge of the complication risk factors of these
bone lengthening nails.
Aim: The study investigated complication risk factors in
lower limb bone lengthening with the FITBONE and
the PRECICE nail.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed from
two limb lengthening hospitals of patients operated
with externally controlled bone lengthening nails in
the lower extremity. Only completed nail removal of
the FITBONE and PRECICE nails were included.
Recorded patient data were: complications, nail
information, and patient demographics.
Complications were assessed as (yes/no) per
segment. Complication risk factors were evaluated
with modified Poisson regression (relative risk
Results: We found 257 patients with 314 segments. The
femur was the most frequently lengthened
segment (80%), and the predominantly used nail
was the FITBONE (75%). Complications were
identified in 144 patients (56 % of 257 patients)
and 175 segments (56% of 314 total segments).
The risk analysis showed an increased risk for
complications for the tibia compared to the
femur(RR: 1.6 CI(1.3-2)), decades age groups
above 19 years compared to 10-19 years(RR
range from 1.4 to 2.5 dependent on age group),
acute deformity correction and lengthening
compared with no deformity correction (RR: 1.3
CI(1.01-1.6)) and bone length gained per mm
(RR: 1.01 (1.00-1.02)). The retrograde/antegrade
femur approach did not show increasing risk
(RR: 1 CI(0.6-1.5)). PRECICE nail showed a
reduced risk of complication compared to the
FITBONE(RR 0.7 CI(0.5-0.99)).
Interpretation / Conclusion: Patients and segments treated with bone
lengthening nails should expect complications in 56
%, which is more common than earlier described.
We have identified five risk factors that may be used
for clinical risk assessment and further research into
reducing complication rates.
56. Comparison of Injury Characteristics and Surgical outcomes after ORIF of Bicondylar Schatzker VI (AO Type C) Tibial Plateau Fractures in Young versus Elderly Patients
Mihir Dekhne a, Derek Stenquist bc, Michael Petersen d,e, Anders Odgaard d, Michael Weaver b, c, Arvind von Keudel b,d
aHarvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
bHarvard Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
dDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
eDepartment of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: The surgical management of bicondylar
tibial plateau (BTP) fractures in elderly
patients aims to restore knee stability while
minimizing soft tissue complications.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare
injury characteristics and surgical outcomes
after ORIF of BTP fractures (AO/OTA 41-C
(Schatzker VI)) in young (< 50 years) versus
elderly (> 65 years) patients.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted
using data from two American College of
Surgeons (ACS) level I trauma centers.
Inclusion criteria were: (1) age 18 years or
older, (2) bicondylar tibial plateau fracture
(AO/OTA 41-C or Schatzker VI), (3)
treatment with ORIF, and (4) minimum of 6
months follow-up. Patients between 50 and
65 years of age were excluded. Data
collection was performed by reviewing
electronic medical records, operative
reports, and radiology reports.
Results: We identified 323 patients (61% male) with
327 BTP fractures and a median follow-up
of 685 days. There were 230 young patients
(71%) < 50 years and 93 elderly patients
(29%) >6 5 years at time of presentation.
Elderly patients were significantly more
likely to have a low energy mechanism of
injury (44.6 vs. 16.2%, p < 0.001), and
present with diabetes (19.4 vs. 4.4%, p <
0.001) or coronary artery disease (12.9 vs.
1.3%, p < 0.001). Elderly patients were also
significantly less likely to undergo staged
management with initial knee-spanning
external fixation followed by delayed ORIF
(19.2 vs. 33.9%, p = 0.008). Elderly patients
had a lower arc of motion at final follow-up
(105 vs. 113?, p < 0.001) and reduced
PROMIS-10 function scores (43.8 vs. 49.8,
p=0.013). No differences were observed in
rates of superficial infection, deep infection,
reoperation, or EQ-5D scores between age
Interpretation / Conclusion: This is the largest study to compare injury
characteristics and outcomes after ORIF of
BTP fractures according to age. The results
of this study suggest that ORIF of BTP
fractures in elderly patients is associated
with similar complication rates and
outcomes as in younger patients despite
higher comorbidities and poorer bone
quality in the elderly population.
57. Adverse events following bicondylar tibial plateau fractures – A systematic review
Emilie Ullahammer¹, Peter Larsen², Lærke Korup³, Rasmus Elsøe4
Department of Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital¹; Department of
Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital²; Department of Orthopaedics,
Aalborg University Hospital³; Department of Orthopaedics, Aalborg
University Hospital4
Background: Tibial plateau fractures have a reported incidence of
10.3/100.000 per year. The complex tibial plateau
fractures are bicondylar, and correspond to a
Schatzker type V and VI and AO/OTA type 41-C. The
accepted treatment of choice has been open or
closed reduction followed by internal fixation. There
are a wide range of known associated adverse
events, but only limited information is offered in the
literature on the rate at which these adverse events
can be expected to occur.
Aim: To identify the risk of suffering an adverse
event following surgical treatment with
internal fixation of a bicondylar tibial plateau
fracture of Schatzker type V and VI and/or
AO/OTA type 41-C.
Materials and Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed,
Embase and Cochrane Library. Literature screening and
data extraction will be performed following the guideline of
PRISMA. Duplicates were removed. Title and abstracts
were reviewed by two unblinded co-authors. Bias were
assessed using the Modified Newcastle-Ottawa Quality
assessment Scale. To report on the approximated risk of
suffering an adverse event, the average percentages of the
adverse events will be calculated based on the
percentages reported in the articles.
Results: The literature search yielded 7284 articles,
2401 duplicates were removed. 4883
articles were screened and 56 articles were
considered for inclusion after review of title
and abstract. After review of full text, 25
articles were included. 1 RCT, 2 case
series, 10 retrospective-, 8 prospective- and
4 register based studies. The average risks
identified were; 6.5% superficial wound
infection, 6.2% deep wound infection,
13.7% DVT, 9.0% compartment syndrome,
2.1% amputation, 4.9% peroneal nerve
palsy, 15.0% re-surgery for hardware
related problems, 6.4% stiffness and
manipulation under GA and 8.7%
debridement to clear infection.
Interpretation / Conclusion: A bicondylar tibial plateau fracture is a
complex and severe injury giving cause to
development of a wide range of adverse
events; wound infection, ligamentous and
meniscal injury, deep vein thrombosis,
hardware related problems requiring re-
surgery and compartment syndrome being
the ones with the highest reported risk of
occurring in the existing literature.
58. Detection of hip fracture using deep learning artificial intelligence (AI). The algorithm increases accuracy of clinical readers
Nicholas Bonde, Kristian Kjærgaard, Henriette Aunaas, Stine Hangaard, Cecilie Laubjerg Daugaard, Liv Engell, Michael j. Lundemann, Søren Overgaard
1Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
and Traumatology; University of Copenhagen, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences; Odense Universitetshospital, Department
of othopedic surgery; Svendborg Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine;
Copenhagen University Hospital, Nordsjælland, Department of Radiology; Næstved
Hospital, Department of Radiology; Radiobotics ApS
Background: X-ray imaging is the recommended first-line
imaging modality in patients with suspected hip
fracture. The initial fracture detection is most
often done by the frontline personnel in the Acute
and Emergency (A&E) clinic. Recently, AI
algorithms implementing deep-learning models
have shown great promise in detecting fractures
with radiologist-level performance, thus with the
clinical potential to bring down the rate of missed
Aim: To investigate the change in diagnostic accuracy
among young A&E doctors when using a
decision support tool (RBfracture) for diagnosing
non-obvious hip fractures.
Materials and Methods: In this diagnostic accuracy study a dataset of
1913 X-ray studies of patients with suspected
hip fractures were available and 248 studies
were included in the study. These studies
were read by eight resident doctors of varying
experience both with and without the fracture
decision support of RBfracture. The change in
diagnostic accuracy was evaluated by
comparing the reader’s sensitivity and
specificity for fracture detection both with and
without decision support. The fracture
reference standard was established by two
radiologists with more than ten years of
experience. The success of the study
required demonstration of both the superiority
of the average patient-wise sensitivity and the
noninferiority (margin 3%) of the average
patient-wise specificity for studies read with
support compared to no support.
Results: The average absolute change in sensitivity was
0.0514 (95%CI: 0.03,0.08), p=0.00450
(superiority) and the average change in
specificity was 0.0121 (95%CI: -0.02,0.05),
p=0.00038 (noninferiority, -3% margin). The
false-negative diagnoses were reduced from 7 to
4 and the missed fractures were predominantly
of type AO31A1 and Garden type I-II. The gain in
sensitivity was consistent across reader
experience. Readers with less than two years of
experience consistently improved in specificity,
whereas readers with more experience became
less specific.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The diagnostic accuracy among young A&E
doctors has shown to improve when using a
decision support tool (RBfracture) for the
detecting of non-obvious hip fractures on X-ray
images resulting in a decrease of false negative
59. Surgical Demographics of Acute Thigh Compartment Syndrome
Jocelyn Rodriguez¹, Nishant Suneja¹ ², Arvind von Keudell¹ ² ³, Dafang Zhang¹ ²
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA¹; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA²; Afedlingslæge, Trauma sektion,
Ortopædkirugisk afd. U, Afsnit 6011, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark³
Background: Acute compartment syndrome is a surgical
emergency, but there is a paucity of literature
regarding acute thigh compartment syndrome, as it
is less common than in other anatomic locations.
Demographic, injury-related, treatment-related, and
outcome-related characteristics for this entity remain
poorly described.
Aim: The objective of this study was to identify
demographic, injury-related, and treatment-related
characteristics of patients who underwent
decompressive fasciotomies for acute thigh
compartment syndrome.
Materials and Methods: A cohort of 38 adult patients with acute thigh
compartment syndrome treated with fasciotomy
at two tertiary care referral centers over a 10-
year time period from January 1, 2006 to June
30, 2015 was retrospectively identified. We
searched the electronic medical record for
patient-related variables (e.g., age, sex, race,
smoking status, diabetes mellitus), injury-related
variables (e.g., mechanism of injury, associated
fractures, other traumatic injuries), treatment-
related variables (e.g., delay of treatment,
compartments released, number of
debridements, use of split-thickness grafts), and
outcomes (e.g., amputation, death,
sensory/motor impairments at final follow up).
Results: The mean age of our cohort was 47 years, and 35
patients (92%) were male. There were varying
mechanisms of injury, but the most common
mechanisms were spontaneous hematoma (21%),
followed by motor vehicle accidents (16%).
Associated leg fractures were present in 15 (39%)
patients. Delay between time of injury and
fasciotomy was greater than 24 hours in 27 patients
(71%), 12 to 24 hours in 6 patients (16%), and less
than 6 hours in 3 patients (8%). The most frequently
released compartment was the anterior
compartment only (68%). Six patients (16%) had
motor impairment, and 2 patients (5%) had sensory
impairment at final follow-up.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Delays to fasciotomy are frequent in the treatment of
acute thigh compartment syndrome. The
demographics of acute thigh compartment syndrome
demonstrate a strong male predominance. Treating
providers should recognize spontaneous hematoma
and motor vehicle accident as the most common
causes of acute thigh compartment syndrome.
60. A possible explanation of early failure following tension band osteosynthesis of patella fractures
Rasmus Jørgensen¹ , Jonas Lindberg², Jacob Gasberg², Johan Larsen², Rasmus Elsøe¹, Peter Larsen³
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark¹;
Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark²; Department of
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark³
Background: The risk of early failure following surgical
treatment of patella fractures are in recent
research reported to be between 4.7 and 14.4%.
Although this potentially represents a serious
impairment to the outcome of treatment, the
etiology lacks evidence.
At our clinic, we have observed several cases of
similar early failure following tension-band
osteosynthesis of simple two part patella
fractures, where the distal fragment seems to
refracture in the coronal plane during the first six
weeks of surgery. This could easily be attributed
to overlooked fractures preoperatively but could
also represent a biomechanical issue regarding
the surgical method.
Aim: The aim was to establish a biomechanical model
exploring how tension forces are transferred through
the intact patella and following osteosynthesis of a
two-part patella fracture using Finite Element
Materials and Methods: A 3D computer assisted design (CAD) model of a
knee joint was established based on a CT-scan of
an adult male without prior knee problems. Distal
femur and proximal tibia geometries are included for
determining proper boundary conditions. Surface
count of the model is reduced to 25% for mesh-
simplification. The 3D model was assembled in
SolidWorks, and the finite element analysis was
completed in ANSYS Mechanical. Load was
gradually applied via the quadriceps tendon to show
non-linear effects, increasing to 500 N, in 0°, 30°,
60° and 90° of flexion.
Results: When load is applied tensions within the patella
bone following tension-band surgery increases up to
10 times compared with the intact patella bone.
Especially in the z-axis, representing shearing
forces, tensions increased from 8,48 MPa in the
intact patella, to 87,2 MPa after tension band
Interpretation / Conclusion: The biomechanical properties of tension band
osteosynthesis of a two part patella fracture creates
tensions within the porous trabecular bone, loading
the patella from the inside, opposed to how the
intact patella handles loading. This could potentially
override the strength of the patella bone. This study
may serve as one explanation for the high risk of
early failures following surgical treatment of patella