Session 17: Trauma
18. November
12:45 - 13:45
Lokale: Vingsal 1
Chair: Bjarke Viberg and Jeppe Barckman
128. Prevention of severe events in patients admitted to an orthopaedic department
Lonnie Froberg
Background: Orthopedic surgeons are not
necessarily aware of patients who
gradually derange, until the patient
experiences a severe event (cardiac
arrest, admit to ICU or dies). Early
warning score (EWS) is a part of the
early recognition and response to
patient deterioration. The system
allocate points based on the
derangement of patients’ vital signs
variables. The sum of the allocated
points is used to direct care, e.g. to
increase vital signs monitoring, involve
more experienced staff or call a rapid
response team.
Our department discovered several
problems in the use of early warning
score: Vital signs were not measured,
nurses did not orientate the surgeons
of increased score, the surgeon did not
initiate or initiated insufficient care.
Aim: To prevent severe events in
orthopaedic patients.
Materials and Methods: From June to August 2020 an
increased focus on EWS including
education in measuring of vital signs,
orientation in case of increased EWS,
examination and treatment of acute
medical conditions were initialized.
The number of patients experiencing
severe event in a 5 months period
before intervention (January-May
2020) and a 5 month period 1 year
after implementation (August-
December 2021) were analyzed.
Results: The majority of patients experiencing
severe events suffered from low
energy fractures.
Before intervention, 947 patients were
hospitalized and 28 (3.0%)
experienced a severe event. Thirteen
patients died, for 8 patients (62%) a
decision had been taken not to start
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
and 1 patient was found dead without
initiating CPR. Two patients
succeeded CPR but had a new cardiac
arrest, 2 patients had unsuccessful
Fifteen patients were admitted to ICU.
One year after intervention 1.058
patients were hospitalized and 17
patients (1.6%) experienced a severe
event. Fifteen patient died, in all cases
(100%) a decision not to start CPR had
been taken. Two patients were
admitted to ICU.
Interpretation / Conclusion: A significant reduction of severe
events (p=0.04) one year after
implementation of a simple intervention
was found. Furthermore, active
decision on whether to start CPR or
not before cardiac arrest occurred was
done in all cases.
129. Patients with Bleeding Disorders are at an Increased Risk of Major Complications in Operative Fixation of Pelvis and Acetabulum Fractures
Christian Pean¹², Michael Gustin¹², Michael Weaver¹, Thuan Ly², Arvind von Keudell¹
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA¹; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
MA ²
Background: Pelvic ring and acetabular fractures are commonly seen and treated by orthopaedic
surgeons. Surgical treatment is associated with a 1.5-14% and 4.8% mortality rate
for pelvic ring and acetabular fractures, respectively. There is limited data with
regards to the effect of congenital, acquired and anticoagulant induced bleeding
disorders on post-operative complications and mortality in surgically managed
pelvic ring and acetabular fractures, which may contributed to associated morbidity
and mortality.
Aim: To assess and compare short-term (=30 days)
outcomes of pelvis and acetabulum fractures in
patients with and without bleeding disorders.
Materials and Methods: Patients with operatively managed pelvis and
acetabulum fractures were identified from the
National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
database from 2012 to 2019 using CPT codes
27215, 27217, 27218, 27226, 27228, and 27254.
Major complications, readmission, length of stay,
and reoperation were compared as primary
outcomes between those with and without bleeding
Results: A total of 1,449 patients underwent pelvis and
acetabulum ORIF during the study period assessed
and 10.7% had a bleeding disorder. Patients with
bleeding disorders were at higher risk for discharge
location other than home ( OR 4.49, CI 2.68-7.53),
major complications (OR 2.13, CI 1.38-3.28),
reoperation (CI 2.03, CI 1.03-4.00), mortality (OR
2.34, CI 1.17-4.64), postoperative blood transfusion
(OR 1.97, CI 1.40-2.77). In a logistic regression
analysis controlling for multiple comorbidities,
smoking, race, obesity and age, bleeding disorder
remained significantly associated with major
complications (B=1.60, CI 1.02-2.51, p=0.04) and
intraoperative or postoperative blood transfusion
(B=1.46, CI 1.02-2.08). Patient with bleeding
disorders also exhibited a longer length of stay (8.05
+- 5.43 vs 6.88 +- 6.96, p=0.044) than patients
without a bleeding disorder.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Patients with bleeding disorders undergoing ORIF
for pelvis and acetabular fractures have higher rates
of major complications, mortality, and readmission.
Surgeons can use this to guide patient expectations
and inform future interventions to mitigate the
deleterious effects of bleeding disorders post-
130. Effective Risk Stratification for 30-day Readmission and Complications Using the Modified Frailty Index for Operative Fixation of Pelvis and Acetabulum Fractures
Christian Pean, Steven Rivero, Michael Weaver, Mark Fleming, Arvind von Keudell a,b,c
aHarvard Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
bDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: The modified frailty index has yet to be
studied in patients undergoing surgical
treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures.
Aim: We hypothesized that patients with a
modified frailty index greater than 2 will be
subject to an increased rate of infection,
readmission, length of stay, mortality and
overall complications after surgical
treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures.
Materials and Methods: Hospitals participating in American College
of Surgeons National Surgical Quality
Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP)
database were included for analysis of
Patients undergoing open reduction internal
fixation (ORIF) of pelvic and acetabular
fractures were identified from the NSQIP
database between 2012 to 2019.
ORIF for pelvic and acetabular fractures.
Main Outcome Measurements:
Major complications, mortality, readmission,
length of stay, and reoperation were primary
outcome measures in this study.
Results: A total of 1,449 patients underwent pelvis
and acetabulum ORIF during the study
period assessed and 24.3% had a mFI-5 of
two or greater. In a multivariate regression
analysis controlling for numerous patient
comorbidities including, race, BMI,
preoperative hypoalbuminemia, and ASA
greater than 2, patients with a mFI-5 of two
or greater were at higher risk for discharge
other than home (OR=1.96, CI=1.32-2.91),
infectious complications (OR =1.56, CI 1.03-
2.37), and readmission (OR=1.72, CI 1.10-
2.69). Patients with a mFI-5 greater than
two also had a significantly longer length of
stay compared to other patients (8.4 vs. 6.6,
Interpretation / Conclusion: In this study, the mFI-5 was seen to
correlate with 30-day postoperative
incidence of infectious complications,
readmission, and discharge other than
home in patients undergoing ORIF for pelvis
and acetabular fractures. Orthopedic trauma
surgeons can use this information in concert
with geriatricians to influence surgical
decision making, improve perioperative
management and anticipate complications
in this patient population.
131. Evaluation of initial diagnosis and treatment for minor trauma at a level II trauma center in Denmark: a retrospective cohort study
Miao Wang, Carina Wulff Greve Andersen, Maj Alexandra Ambrosiussen , Karen Toftdahl Bjørnholdt
Orthopedic Department, Horsens Regional Hospital
Background: Images and charts from emergency
departments are typically evaluated the
following weekday at a radiographic conference,
in some cases leading to re-contact of the
patients: when there is a change of diagnosis
and treatment plan or need for additional
Aim: To evaluate the quality of trauma center service
by retrospectively investigating the incidence
and reasons for re-contact of patients after
initial treatment for minor trauma in the
emergency department at Horsens Regional
Materials and Methods: A random sample of 1000 patient charts from 1
October 2021 to 31 December 2021 from the
trauma center were reviewed. Re-contacts were
identified, and time of visit, diagnosis, treatment,
and patient age and gender were compared to
the cohort. Reasons for re-contacts were
counted and explored qualitatively.
Results: The overall incidence of re-contacts was 33
(3.3%). Reasons for re-contact were missed
injury 11 (1.1%), need for additional
examinations 6 (0.6%), diagnostic error 5
(0.5%), change of treatment plan without
change of diagnosis 5 (0.5%), uncertainty
about treatment or diagnosis 5 (0.5%), other
1 (0.1%). The most common site for missed
injury and diagnostic error was hand/wrist
(n=6), followed by foot (n=3), shoulder (n=2)
and elbow (n=2) cases. The re-contact rate
varied throughout the day: day time 08:00-
18:00: 2.1%, evening 18:00-23:00: 4.6%,
and night 23:00-08:00: 5.4%. This could be a
reflection of the availability of a specialist
orthopedic surgeon (08:00-18:00 on site,
18:00-08:00 on call), a newly graduated
doctor (on site 08:00-23:00), and an
orthopedic doctor in training (on call 08:00-
18:00, on site 23:00-08:00).
Interpretation / Conclusion: The incidence of re-contacts was 3,3 %. The
missed injury rate was 1.1%, which is
relatively low compared with misse dinjury
rates in other studies (ranges from 1.39 to
14.5%). The missed injury and diagnostic
errors are mainly due to misinterpretation of
radiological images, which can be improved
by training. In the day time, when 60% of
patients vists the trauma center, we found a
50% lower re-contact rate compared to
evening and night. The working system at
trauma center Horsens Denmark is well
functional and can achieve a low missed
injury rate.
132. Metabolic Syndrome Increase Risk of Readmission and Complications in Operative Fixation of Pelvis and Acetabular Fractures
Christian Pean, Amy Steele, Abigail Sagona, Arvind von Keudell a,b,c
aHarvard Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
bDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: Metabolic syndrome is an increasingly
prevalent condition affecting 1 out of 3
Americans and has been tied to elevated
risk of poor surgical outcomes. Pelvis and
acetabular fractures are inherently
challenging fractures fraught with a higher
risk of complications than many injuries. As
shifts to value-based care occur, it is critical
to properly risk-stratify patients to develop
policy and prevent patient complications
when possible.
Aim: This study sought to assess the impact of
metabolic syndrome on short term
outcomes of pelvis and acetabulum ORIF.
Materials and Methods: Patients who underwent ORIF for pelvis and
acetabular fractures from 2012 to 2019
were identified in the American College of
Surgeons National Surgical Quality
Improvement Program database. Patients
with metabolic syndrome (MetS) were
compared to other patients for rates of
adverse events and readmission in the 30-
day postoperative period for the overall
cohort. All statistical analyses were
conducted using SPSS (IBM SPSS
Statistics for Windows, Version 26.0,
Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). Paired student t-
tests were used to assess continuous
variables. Pearson’s Chi-square and odds
ratios were used for categorical variables.
Results: A total of 1,005 patients met inclusion
criteria for this study. In total, 51 MetS
patients were identified in the cohort. MetS
patients were more likely to have a history
of congestive heart failure (OR 3.39, CI
1.62-7.10) and pre-operative kidney disease
(OR 9.69, CI 1.73-54.22),
MEtS patients did not have significantly
different rates of infectious complications,
major complications, or readmission than
other patients.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Patients undergoing ORIF for pelvis and
acetabular fractures with MetS are not at
higher risk of 30-day major complications,
infection, and readmissions. Although other
comorbidities are often considered in
isolation as risk factors for patients with
pelvis and acetabular fractures, MetS
patients do not appear to have an increased
risk for poorer outcomes in the 30-day
postoperative period.
133. Traffic incident classification for passenger car drivers varies with sex, age and severity
Kristian Kjærgaard, Jens Lauritsen
Accident Analysis Group, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense
University Hospital. Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Southern Denmark
Background: We found no formal guideline to assist in clinical decision on driving ability following immobilization due to
orthopaedic acute injury or fractures. Few studies mention simple metrics like brake force or reaction time.
A more realistic assessment could be a driving simulator, where obstacles and sudden situations arise
based on analysis of injury statistics. Analysis of a larger number of traffic injury situations is hypothesized
to reveal a classification potential, which could then allow driving simulator developers to implement high-
risk situations in virtual driving.
Aim: To propose a list of traffic incidents that occur
frequently (Fx) or result in severe personal injury
(Sx) based on empirical traffic incident data the
basis for implementation for driving simulation and
estimate variation of this with sex and age.
Materials and Methods: We included patients injured in traffic incidents while
driving a passenger car and treated at the
emergency department at Odense University
Hospital between Jan 2014 and Jun 2021. Key
variables were extracted from the routine registration
(age, sex, severity of injury, and incident variables:
counterpart, direction of counterpart, place of
incident) and grouped into scenarios according to
Results: We analyzed 4,017 incidents for 2074 male and
1943 female drivers with age grouped as 18-24
(n=1,138), 25-49 (n=2,009), 50-64 (n=550), 65-74
(n=167), or 75+ years (n=153). Six Fx scenarios and
seven Sx scenarios were extracted from the dataset,
covering 89% and 81% of respective incidents. The
rank order was markedly different between Fx and
Sx scenarios, between age groups for Fx and Sx
scenarios, and between sexes for Sx scenarios.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The variation of ranking between Fx and Sx
scenarios with age and sex indicates that
incorporation of real life traffic situations in driving
simulators is not simple. Developers of a screening
tool for individual guidance in driving ability after
orthopaedic surgery should take this into
134. KKR: Non-operative treatment or plate fixation of displaced fractures of the middle third of the clavicle
Thomas Falstie-Jensen¹, Anne Kathrine Belling Sørensen¹, Ilja Ban², Mette Rosenstand²
Background: Displaced fractures of the middle-third of the clavicle are a common injury. This type of injury is commonly treated non-operatively. However, with the development of anatomical plates an increase in operative treatment was seen. In 2017 Dansk Ortopædisk selskab released “Korte Kliniske Retningslinjer” (KKR) based on current knowledge to guide Danish orthopaedic surgeons in the choice of treatment.
Aim: To update the current KKR with evidence published after 2017.
Materials and Methods: All relevant databases and grey literature were searched for metanalyses and randomized clinical trials (RTC) published from 2017 to 2022 comparing plate fixation of displaced midclavicular fractures with non-operative treatment. RCTs were assessed for bias using the Cochrane Risk-of-bias tool and metanalyses were assessed using the AMSTAR tool. Finally, the level of evidence was assessed using the GRADE tool.
Using the prior PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome) question, the new evidence was evaluated.
Results: The search revealed 92 new metanalyses of which 2 network metanalyses covered the PICO question and were included. Similarly, 146 new RTCs were identified. After assessment 2 RCT, not included in the metanalyses and with low risk of bias, were included.
Three studies found a statistical and just clinically relevant increase in Disabilities of the hand and shoulder score (DASH) among the operated patients after six weeks. This effect diminished over time and all studies showed no significant difference in functional outcome measured by Constant Score or DASH after one year.
All studies found a significant higher risk of non-union after non-operative treatment (˜16%) compared to ORIF (˜1,5%).
Interpretation / Conclusion: Displaced middle-third clavicular fractures should mainly be treated non-operatively since no difference in functional outcome is found after one year. Plate fixation reduce the risk of non-union and may lead to a minimal and temporary functional improvement after six weeks. Consequently, plate fixation should only be performed in selected cases and after thorough consideration.