Session 1: Trauma Hip Fractures
16. November
09:00 - 10:30
Lokale: Vingsal 1
Chair: Michala Skovlund and Michael Brix
1. Reduced dislocation rate with a piriformis sparing posterior approach in hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures
Bjarke Viberg¹, Erik Qvist Kristensen¹, Thomas Gaarsdal², Henrik Palm³,4, Charlotte Densing Petersen³, Søren Overgaard³,4, Thomas Giver Jensen³
¹Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Lillebaelt Hospital - University
Hospital of Southern Denmark; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology,
Odense University Hospital²; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg³; Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty
of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen4
Background: Danish femoral neck fracture (FFN) patients treated
with hemiarthroplasty (HA) have one of the highest
risk of dislocation in the world due to use of the
posterior approach (PA). An option could be
changing to an anterior capsule approach but
perhaps there is a more feasible way to lower the
dislocation rate by a piriformis sparing posterior
approach (PSPA).
Aim: To compare the PSPA to the PA in FFN patients
treated with HA concerning dislocations,
reoperations, and total surgery related
Materials and Methods: On the 1st of January 2019, the PSPA was
introduced at two hospitals as a new treatment
standard. A sample size was calculated on the
basis of a 5 percent point reduction in
dislocations and due to an expected 25%
mortality rate, 264 in each group was needed. A
2-year inclusion period with 1-year follow-up was
therefore estimated including a historical cohort 2
years prior to the PPPA introduction. Data was
retrieved from the hospitals administrative
databases and all health care journals as well as
x-ray images were reviewed. An adjusted relative
risk (RR) was calculated using Cox regression
given with 95% confidence interval.
Results: There were 650 FFN patients treated with HA,
72% were women, and 42% were more than 85
years. There was no baseline difference between
the PSPA and PA group regarding sex, age,
comorbidity, BMI, smoking, alcohol, mobility,
length of surgery, blood loss, implant positioning
or mortality. There was a difference in type of HA
due to a change in one hospital but also more
surgeons in training in the PSPA group.
The dislocation rate was reduced from 11.7% in
the PA group to 4.6% in the PSPA group
(p<0.001) yielding a RR of 2.8 (CI 1.4;5.5). The
reoperation rate due to PSPA was reduced from
7.4% to 3.2% (p=0.022) resulting in a RR of 2.4
(1.1;5.4), and the total surgery related
complications were reduced from 15.2% to 6.7%
(p<0.001) resulting in a RR of 2.8 (1.5;4.9).
Interpretation / Conclusion: PSPA in FFN patients treated with a HA was
associated with a reduction in dislocations from
11.7% to 4.6%. This approach could easily be
introduced and in the authors’ opinion, the approach
has the potential to lower the dislocation rate even
further by sparing all structures posteriorly.
2. Prediction of 30-day mortality in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery: the impact of surgery delay.
Thomas J. Hjelholt¹, Bjarke L. Viberg², Henrik Palm³, Morten T. Kristensen4, Niels Dieter Röck², Alma B. Pedersen¹
¹Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University
and Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
²Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital
³Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg and
Frederiksberg, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
4Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg and Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen
Background: Thirty-day mortality following hip fracture surgery in
Denmark is 10% on average. However, previously
published studies indicate substantial variation
depending on patient characteristics.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of surgery delay on the 30-
day mortality risk, considering other important
patient characteristics.
Materials and Methods: We identified all patients with a first-time hip
fracture in 2011-2017 (N=28,791) from the
population-based Danish Multidisciplinary Hip
Fracture Registry. We used a previously
published model for 1-year mortality on the same
cohort, including the following patient-related
predictors as explanatory variables: nursing
home residency, comorbidity, pre-fracture basic
mobility, BMI, and age. Subsequently, we
stratified patients according to surgery delay
from admittance (>6 hours, >12 hours, >18
hours, >24 hours and >36 hours). Outcome was
death within 30 days from surgery. Using the
logistic regression model, we predicted the
absolute risk of death within 30 days based on all
possible combinations of the included predictors.
Results: Depending on patient characteristics, predicted 30-
day mortality spanned from 1% to 81%. We
observed no clear variation in mortality across strata
of surgery delay. E.g. patients aged 80-85 years
admitted from own home waiting <12 hours for
surgery had mortality ranging from 3% to 30%
depending on levels of comorbidity, mobility, and
body mass index. Corresponding numbers in
patients waiting >12 hours were 3% - 28%. For the
same patients waiting <18 hours, mortality ranged
from 3% to 28%, whereas for those waiting >18
hours mortality ranged from 2% to 28%. For patients
aged 65-70 years admitted from own, mortality
varied from 1% to 14% and from 1% to 15% if
waiting <12 and >12 hours, respectively.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Thirty-day mortality vary greatly depending on
patient characteristics, but our data does not
indicate that surgery delay impact mortality
substantially. Selection of patients for early surgery
based on factors not included in the model could,
however, explain the apparently missing effect of
surgery delay on 30-day mortality.
3. The majority of community-dwelling hip fracture patients return to independent living with minor increase in care needs
Christina Frølich Frandsen ¹ ², Maiken Stilling ¹ ² ³, Eva Natalia Glassou ¹ 4, Torben Bæk Hansen ¹ ²
University Clinic for Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics, Gødstrup
Hospital, Denmark ¹
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark ²
Department of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark ³
Department of Quality, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark 4
Background: Hip fracture patients are fragile, and the majority fail
to fully recover to their pre-fracture functional level,
resulting in an increase in institutionalization.
Aim: The study aimed to investigate risk factors for poor
short-term functional recovery and failure to return to
independent living 12 months after a hip fracture.
Materials and Methods: From 2011 and through 2017, all surgically
treated hip fracture patients admitted from their
own homes were included in a prospective
cohort study. Patient characteristics,
comorbidities, surgical method, and mobilization
during the hospital stay were registered. Short-
term functional recovery was measured at
discharge using a cumulated ambulatory score
(CAS). At 12 months, patients were interviewed
regarding residence, regaining function, and care
Multivariable logistic regression was used,
reporting odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence
intervals (95%CI).
Results: 2,006 patients had data regarding their hospital
stay and were included in the analyses for short-
term functional recovery. 1,342 patients were
interviewed at 12 months and used in the
analyses for failure to return to independent
Modifiable variables associated with poor short-
term functional recovery (CAS<6) were
hypoalbuminemia, not mobilized to standing
within 24 hours, and length of stay.
Failure to return to independent living at 12
months was found in 10% of the patients and
was primarily associated with patient
characteristics and comorbidities, but also poor
short-term functional recovery (CAS<6).
However, few reported increased care needs of
those returning to independent living.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The risk factors associated with poor short-term
functional recovery were primarily static. However,
mobilizing patients to standing within 24 hours from
hip fracture surgery is modifiable and found to be
associated with short-term functional recovery. The
present study found that failure to return to
independent living at 12 months is seen in the
frailest patients. However, the majority remains in
their own home with only a slight increase in care
4. A multilevel approach for evaluating hospital variation in red blood cell transfusion after hip fracture surgery in a population-based cohort study
Pia Kjær Kristensen1, Nickolaj Risbo2, Pedersen Alma Becic2
1) Department of Ortopaedics, Aarhus University hospital
2) Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University hospital
Background: Surgery for hip fractures frequently requires red
blood cell (RBC) transfusion in order to treat
pre-existing and acute acquired anemia and
operative bleeding. Postoperative anemia in hip
fracture patients is associated with reduced
rehabilitation and functional independence, as
well as increased mortality. However, the
indications for RBC transfusion in elderly with
hip fractures had not been standardized.
Aim: To examine the variation in use of RBC
transfusion within seven days after hip fracture
surgery across 21 orthopaedic departments in
Materials and Methods: In this nationwide population-based cohort
study, patients who underwent surgery for an
incident hip fracture in 2016 and 2017
(n=11,372) were identified in the Danish
Multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Registry. Data
on RBC transfusion were obtained from the
Danish Transfusion Database. Prevalence of
RBC transfusion was defined as transfusion
within 7 days after surgery (yes/no). We
used a stepwise multilevel logistic regression
analysis to investigate predictors of variation
adjusting for sociodemographic, fracture
type, Charlson Comorbidity Index, type of
surgery and prescriptions of anticoagulants,
steroids, and NSAIDs. The variation between
hospitals was examined using the Intra
Class Coefficient (ICC).
Results: The overall prevalence of RBC transfusion was
32.9 %. The adjusted prevalence of RBC
transfusion varied from 16.0% to 73.1%. A
pertrochanteric fracture (Odds Ratio (OR)= 7.14
95% Confidence Intervals (CI) (5.96-8.54), high
sociodemographic score (OR=3.15 CI(2.77-
3.59) and pre-fracture use of anticoagulants
(OR=1.31 CI(1.19-1.44) were predictors of
higher risk of RBC transfusion. The ICC
indicated that 8.8% of the adjusted variance was
due to hospital differences.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Substantial variation in use of RBC
transfusion within 7 days after hip fracture
surgery among departments exists. The
major part of the variation is explained by
patient-related factors such as fracture type,
sociodemographics and use of
anticoagulants. One tenth of the variation is
related to systematic differences between
hospitals. Further analyses are needed to
examine the impact of hospital-level variation
on the prognosis of hip fracture patients.
5. Geographic variation in hip fracture incidence and care-processes: a comparison between Ireland and Denmark
Mary Walsh1, Jan Sørensen2, Cathrine Blake1, Søren Paaske Johnsen3, Pia Kjær Kristensen4
1: UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sport Science, Health Science
Centre Dublin
2: Healthcare outcome Research Centre, Dublin
3: Danish Centre for Danish Health Service Research, Aalborg University Hospital
4: Department of Orthopaedics Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital
Background: Large variations have been found in quality of
care received after hip fracture. Ireland and
Denmark both have established hip fracture
audits that drive quality improvement nationally.
Comparisons between the countries would allow
for international benchmarking of practice.
Aim: To explore geographic variation of care quality in
Ireland and Denmark
Materials and Methods: Patients aged =65 years treated surgically
for hip fracture in Ireland from 2017 to 2020
and in Denmark from 2016 to 2017 were
included from the Irish Hip Fracture
Database (n=12,904) and the Danish
Multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Registry
(n=12,924). The rate of hip fracture surgery
per 1,000 older persons (>64 years) and the
proportion of patients achieving 14 care
indicators was calculated with 95%
confidence intervals, standardized for age-
group and sex against denominators from
the Irish census (2016) and dataset.
Geographic variation was explored based on
hospital area (5 regions in Denmark, 6
Hospital Groups in Ireland). Systematic
Components of Variation (SCV) were
calculated for each indicator and country.
Results: The average annual standardized incidence
of hip fracture surgery per 1,000 older
population was 4.7 in Ireland and 5.7 in
Denmark. There were notably different
patterns of intracapsular fracture repair
(Hemiarthroplasty: Ireland=85%,
Denmark=52%) and very high variation for
total hip arthroplasties (THA) in both
countries (SCV Ireland=10.6,
Denmark=97.9). Ireland achieved lower rates
of surgery within 36 hours (59% versus
84%), nutritional assessment (27% versus
84%), and pre-discharge mobility recording
(52% versus 92%), with latter measures
showing high within-country variation
(SCV=19 and 25, respectively). Ireland
showed longer hospital stays (median 12
versus 7 days), but lower 7-day (1.0%
versus 3.1%) and 14-day (2.0% versus
5.5%) mortality.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Ireland and Denmark have similar hip fracture
incidence, but different patterns of intracapsular
fracture repair. Ireland should improve care in
relation to early surgery, mobility, and nutrition
assessment. Between-country differences in
length of stay, THA provision and mortality
require further investigation.
6. Orthogeriatric home visit is associated with overall reduced 30-day readmission following surgical treatment in +65-year-old patients with hip fracture
Thomas Giver Jensen¹, Martin Aasbrenn², Morten Tange Kristensen³, Troels Haxholdt Lunn4, Eckart Pressel², Henrik Palm¹, Charlotte Suetta², Søren Overgaard¹, Anette Ekmann²
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital Bispebjerg and
Frederiksberg, Denmark¹; Geriatric Research Unit, Department of Geriatrics,
Copenhagen University Hospital Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg, Denmark²; Department of
Physio & Ergotherapy, Copenhagen University Hospital Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg,
Denmark³; Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Copenhagen University
Hospital Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg, Denmark4;
Background: High readmission rates are commonly seen in
patients with hip fracture. However, evidence
indicates that multidisciplinary home visits after hip
fracture may improve care and reduce overall
readmission rate.
Aim: We investigated whether an orthogeriatric home visit
was associated with overall 30-day readmission in
+65-year-old patients surgically treated for hip
Materials and Methods: We compared two year-cohorts separated by
one year. Thus, 246 patients aged +65-year
admitted with hip fracture between 13th June
2020 – 12th June 2021, discharged to own home
or care facilities, and visited =1 were
characterized as exposed and compared with a
comparable but non-visited/non-exposed
historical control cohort of 247 patients admitted
between 1st January – 31st December 2018 .
The orthogeriatric team consisted of an
orthopaedic nurse specialist visiting the patients,
preferably at day two and nine after discharge,
and a hospital based geriatric medical specialist
cooperating observations, treatment, and care
Data were extracted form hospital medical
records. Outcome was overall 30-day
readmission defined as =12h length of stay,
regardless of reason or place, within the first 30
days after discharge. Covariates included
demographic, mental and physical functioning,
medication, co-morbidity, severe complication,
and residential status. Cox Regression models
were used for analysis.
Results: The readmittance rate was reduced from 27% to
19% (p=0.03). Crude and fully adjusted Hazard
Ratio in patients visited were 0.67 (CI95%: 0.46-
0.97) and 0.58 (CI95%: 0.39-0.85) compared with
non-visited patients, respectively.
Interpretation / Conclusion: An orthogeriatric team visiting older discharged
patients with hip fracture seems to be associated
with overall reduced 30-day readmission.
7. Alcohol and drug use in patients younger that 60 years with hip fracture measured by validated instruments and the clinical eye
Sara Svanholm, Sebastian Strøm Rönnquist, Åsa Magnusson, Bjarke Viberg, Morten Tange Kristensen, Henrik Palm, Søren Overgaard, Cecilia Rogmark
Research Unit of Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology;
Department of Orthopaedics Lund University, Skåne University Hospital Malmö Sweden;
Institute for Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Sweden;
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Lillebælt Kolding Hospital;
Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen;
Departments of Physiotherapy and Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen; University Hospital – Amager and Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark;
Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Copenhagen University Hospital – Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg & Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, University Hospital Bispebjerg
Background: It is a common preconception that young individuals suffering hip fracture have alcohol- and/or substance use disorder (AUD/SUD). It is important to evaluate this for planning the rehabilitation, but previous studies have neither used validated questionnaires, nor investigated if the standard screening methods are sufficient.
Aim: The main objective was to describe the alcohol and drug consumption in adult hip fracture patients under 60 years using the validated AUDIT (Alcohol use disorder test) and DUDIT (Drug use disorder test) scores. We also investigated the correlation between the instruments and the physicians’ standard reporting of usage.
Materials and Methods: This is a sub-study of 90 women (W) and 126 men (M) from a multicenter cohort study of patients with a non-pathological, acute hip fracture treated at 4 hospitals in Denmark and Sweden. To map alcohol and drug use AUDIT and DUDIT forms were filled in. In addition, the researchers made an evaluation of the patients’ alcohol and drug use based on direct patient contact and medical chart information. AUDIT ranges 0-40 with 6 (W) and 8 (M) as the cut-off for hazardous/harmful use. DUDIT ranges 0-44 with a corresponding cut-off of 2 (W) and 6 (M).
Results: According to AUDIT scores, 19/76 W (25%) and 37/118 M (31%) had hazardous/harmful alcohol use. The clinical evaluation identified 23/90 W (25%) and 33/126 M (26%) to have AUD. The DUDIT scores equaled SUD in 4/79 W (5%) and 11/111 M (10%). The clinical evaluation depicted 4/90 W (4%) and 13/126 M (10%) to have SUD. There was a discrepancy between AUDIT/DUDIT and the “clinical eye”. 8 W and 13 M alcohol use remained undetected by the clinical evaluation, even if they had AUDIT scores indicating hazardous/harmful use. Also, 4 W and 4 M with DUDIT indicating SUD were overlooked by clinical evaluation.
Interpretation / Conclusion: AUD and SUD were more common than what is reported from the general population. Still, “only” one fourth had AUD, hence gainsaying the belief that most hip fractures in adult life are caused by hazardous alcohol/drug use. Clinicians must be aware that the two screening methods do not identify the same individuals, and further investigation in clinical practice is needed.
8. How to spot osteonecrosis of the femoral head after internal fixation of femoral neck fractures in younger patients, with implants in situ? Conventional x-ray versus MARS-MRI.
Maria L Jönsson*, Mikael Kindt*, Trine Torfing, Sebastian Strøm Rönnquist, Bjarke Viberg, Søren Overgaard, Cecilia Rogmark
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Bispebjerg; Department of Orthopaedics, Lund University, Skåne
University Hospital, Malmö; Department of Radiology, Odense University
Hospital, Odense; Department of Orthopaedics, Lund University, Skåne
University Hospital, Malmö and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and
Traumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense; Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense;
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Bispebjerg and Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health
and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen; Department of
Orthopaedics, Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö
* Maria Jönsson and Mikael Kindt shares first authorship and have contributed
equally to the article
Background: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is a
well-known complication after internal fixation of
femoral neck fractures (FNF). Previous literature
is inapplicable on the use of metal artifact
reduction sequence (MARS) MRI, to diagnose
post-traumatic ONFH with conventional metal
implants present.
Aim: Our primary aim was to compare MARS MRI
with conventional x-ray in diagnosing ONFH
following internal fixation of FNFs, with implants
in situ. Secondarily, we wanted to determine if
signs of ONFH on MARS MRI correlates to
patient reported outcomes (PROs) via Oxford
Hip Score (OHS), and pain (visual analog scale
Materials and Methods: Between 2015-2018, 30 out of 44 adults under
60 years treated with internal fixation after FNF
at Odense University Hospital or Skåne
University Hospital, Malmö, were included in a
prospective study. They were followed with x-
rays and PROs at 4 months, 1 and 2 years while
MARS MRIs were at 4 months and 1 year. OHS
<34 and/or VAS pain score >20 mm was
considered clinically relevant unfavorable
Results: At 1 year, 14 patients had a pathological MRI. 3
of them had ONFH on x-ray at 1 year, increasing
to 5 at 2 years. 5/14 had unfavorable PROs. In
the 5 patients with ONFH signs on both MRI and
x-ray, 2 had unfavorable PROs.
10 patients had all normal MRIs, all of them had
normal x-rays. 1/10 had unfavorable PROs at 2
5 patients had inconsistent MRI results, of which
1 developed ONFH. 1 patient dropped out.
Interpretation / Conclusion: A normal MRI signals uneventful healing. In our
cohort, information from a pathological MRI was
not useful, as a majority remains free from
radiological ONFH and symptoms. Furthermore,
PROs did not correlate with imaging result. The
findings from MRI MARS have to be better
understood before taken into clinical practice.
9. Frailty is Associated with Increased Mortality and Re-admission in Geriatric Hip Fractures
Sagona Abigail, Ortega Carlos, Wang Liqin, Yeung Caleb, Selzer Faith, Zhou Li, von Keudell Arvind
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Background: Frailty index (FI) is a tool used to help clinicians determine how well a patient may do after
orthopedic trauma surgery. We evaluated the association between FI and both mortality and
hospital re-admission in 316 patients who underwent surgery for a femoral neck or an
intertrochanteric hip fracture. Our data suggests that FI stratification can help to identify a
sub-set of patients at high risk for adverse outcomes following hip fracture. Our preliminary
analyses appear to suggest that it may be a stronger risk factor of mortality than age alone.
Materials and Methods: We identified patients who were =65 years old, underwent surgical repair of a femoral neck or
intertrochanteric hip fracture, co-managed by the orthopedic trauma and geriatric services at
BWH between May 2018 and August 2020. Demographic and clinical data were extracted from
MGB’s EDW and verified by chart review. FI scores were categorized as: Non-Frail/Pre-Frail (FI
<0.21, n=62), Frail (0.21=FI<0.45, n=185), and Severely Frail (FI > 0.45, n=69). One-year
outcomes were calculated using Kaplan-Meier methods and compared using log-rank statistics.
Results: 316 patients with hip fractures who underwent surgical repair and had a frailty index score assigned
were identified. At baseline the mean age was 83.8 (SD 7.9) years and the mean FI was 0.33 (SD 0.14).
Patients were predominantly white 278 (88.0%) and female 221 (69.9%). Femoral neck fractures
accounted for 129 (40.8%) of cases and intertrochanteric fractures accounted for 187 (59.2%) of cases.
By one-year, freedom from readmission was 62.0%, 44.4%, and 25.8% (p=0.001) in the non/pre-frail,
frail, and severely frail groups, respectively. One-year survival rates were 100%, 84.0%, and 51.2%
(p<0.001) in the respective frailty groups.
Interpretation / Conclusion: In this analysis, we found that higher FI is associated with higher adverse outcomes at one-year.
Specifically, freedom from hospital readmission and survival were associated with better frailty
categories. Further analyses will evaluate the role of age itself in relation adverse outcomes
following repair of hip fractures. Our findings suggest that FI has a role in identifying high risk
surgical candidates and may help guide clinical decision making.
10. Active clinical issues at discharge predict readmission within 30 days and one year following hip fracture surgery
Christina Frølich Frandsen ¹ ², Maiken Stilling ¹ ² ³, Eva Natalia Glassou ¹ 4, Anne Birgitte Langsted Pedersen 5, Torben Bæk Hansen ¹ ²
University Clinic for Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics, Gødstrup
Hospital, Denmark ¹
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark ²
Department of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark ³
Department of Quality, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark 4
Department of Medicine, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark 5
Background: Early readmission to the hospital may be seen as
a preventable failure to ensure safe discharge
following a hip fracture. Premature discharge
may be evaluated based on vital signs at
discharge and medical complications during the
hospital stay collectively called active clinical
issues (ACIs), which have received little
Furthermore, time to surgery’s association to
readmission have been investigated with
conflicting results, however, none have
investigated the impact of the reasoning for
delaying surgery which may explain the
inconsistent findings. There is a need for
knowledge regarding such modifiable risk factors
to prevent readmissions.
Aim: To explore any association between 1) medical
issues that delay surgery and 2) ACIs at the time of
discharge and 30-day readmission.
Materials and Methods: A consecutive cohort of hip fracture patients
surgically treated from 2011 to 2017 had data
collected prospectively during their hospital stay
and 1 year postoperatively. ACIs were defined as
unstable vital signs or antibiotic treatment at
Risk factors for readmission were analyzed as
time-to-event data, in a multivariable analysis
with death as a competing risk using the pseudo-
value approach. The following variables were
selected for adjustment: age, sex, residence,
ASA score, cognitive status, and NMS.
Differences in patient characteristics between
groups were analyzed using the chi-squared test.
The attributable fraction of readmission due to
medical issues delaying surgery and ACIs was
Results: 2,510 patients were included, of whom 14% were
readmitted within 30 days and 39% within one year
after hip fracture surgery. The most frequent causes
of readmission within 30 days were medical causes
unrelated to the hip fracture. ACIs were associated
with an increased risk of readmission, especially due
to medical and infectious causes. ACIs attributed to
46% of readmissions for medical causes. Medical
issues resulting in surgery delays exceeding > 24
hours did not increase the risk of readmission within
30 days.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Readmission following hip fracture surgery is high,
but some may be prevented. Resolving ACIs before
discharge may reduce readmissions following hip
fracture surgery.