Poster Walk
16. November
17:00 - 18:00
Poster Walk 1: Lower extremity
Chair: Louise Lau Simonsen / Kristian Behrndtz
149. Optimization of MRI Measurements of Calf Muscle Atrophy Following Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture
Ibrahim El Haddouchi, MS¹, Anders Brøgger Overgård, MD¹, Per Hölmich MD, Professor, DMSc¹, Kristoffer Weisskirchner Barfod, MD, PhD¹
1. Sports Orthopedic Research Center – Copenhagen (SORC-C), Department of
Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager-Hvidovre, Denmark.
Background: Calf muscle atrophy is a major concern following
acute Achilles tendon rupture (ATR). Muscle
compartment size can be evaluated with magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) either by cross section
area (CSA) or volumetric measurement. Volumetric
measurement yields the actual size of the muscle
compartment but is time consuming.
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate if CSA
measurement could be used as a surrogate for
volumetric measurement in evaluation of muscle
atrophy of the calf muscles after ATR. Five different
models for CSA measurement were proposed. We
hypothesized that atrophy estimated with CSA
measurement had an R-square value above 0.7
when compared to volumetric measurements.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of patients one
year after ATR. MRI of both calves was
performed one year after ATR using a Simens
1.5T MRI system with a 3D gradient echo
sequence. Evaluated muscles were: Soleus,
medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocnemius,
and the deep flexors (flexor hallucis longus,
flexor digitorum longus and tibialis posterior) as
one conjoined muscle group. For each muscle,
the CSA was measured manually on axial slides
for every 2 cm. The muscle volume was
calculated as cones with irregular bottoms.
Atrophy was estimated using the limb symmetry
index (LSI) (injured / uninjured x 100%).
Comparison between the 5 proposed models for
CSA measurement and volumetric measurement
was performed fitting a linear regression model
and calculating the R-squared value.
Results: Fifty-four patients were included in the study. The
best correlation between CSA and volumetric
measurement was obtained when measuring CSA of
triceps surae (R2=0.782), soleus (R2=0.642), medial
gastrocnemius (R2=0.603), and lateral
gastrocnemius (R2=0.559) 26 cm above talus, and
the deep flexors 14 cm above talus (R2=0.493).
Interpretation / Conclusion: CSA measurement on MRI can be used as a
surrogate for volumetric measurements when
investigating atrophy of m. triceps surae.
Investigation of atrophy of the individual muscles of
the calf by use of CSA measurements should be
done with caution.
151. Development and initial validation of the descriptive numeric rating scale for postoperative pain
Karen Bjørnholdt, Carina Andersen
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Horsens Regional Hospital
Background: For clinical trials of surgery, the intensity and
resolution of pain is an important outcome just as
disability. In daily clinical practice, individual change
over time and pain treatment is handled well by the
numeric rating scale (NRS) 0-10 or visual analogue
scale (VAS) and in conversation with patients.
However, these scales reach ”worst possible pain”
or ”pain as bad as you can imagine”, leaving ample
room for subjective interpretation of the scale, which
impairs the comparisons necessary in trials.
Aim: We aimed to develop a scale measuring sensory
pain intensity for clinical trial use, which minimized
the influence of individual imagination, previous
experience, and coping skills, to facilitate web-based
data collection and comparison of surgical groups.
Materials and Methods: A literature review and qualitative interviews of 10
patients and 10 clinicians as well as a questionnaire
regarding placement of wording on the 0-10 scale
were the basis of the wording chosen. The scale
was pilot tested using RedCap in two rounds (10
patients each), with interviews concerning content
validity in orthopaedic day surgery patients. Initial
validation with assessment of test-retest reliability,
sensitivity to change, known-groups comparison,
comparison to NRS and VAS, differential item
functioning, and MCID is underway.
Results: Categories (and examples) for description of pain
intensity collected from literature and interviews
were: Intensity (mild, strong), affective (distressing,
terrible), evaluative (acceptable, unbearable),
cognitive impact (distracting, demands full attention),
sleep impact, activity impact, treatment (need
morphine), discriminative (shooting, throbbing),
physical signs (sweating, pale), and examples (like
bumping your head).
Content validity pilot testing improved the questions
and scale to be understandable and relevant as well
as comprehensive. Results of the remaining initial
validation are pending.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The descriptive scale specifies “what is meant by 5”
etc., improving precision and validity for this hard to
measure but very important outcome. Further
studies will establish whether this scale improves
pain trajectory modelling and comparison of surgical
pain outcomes.
162. Non-removable vs. removable offloading in patients with plantar diabetic foot ulcers. A National Clinical Guideline
Tue Smith Jørgensen,
Department of Orthopedics, Amager and Hvidovre University Hospital
Background: In Denmark, different types of offloading devices
are used to treat diabetic foot ulcers, depending
on patient and clinician preference, wound
location and etiology. It is not clear whether
removable or non-removable offloading has a
greater effect on wound healing or increases
harmful effects. The great variation in clinical
practice in Denmark may lead to a regional
difference in wound healing success. The 2015
NICE guideline and IWGDF guideline from 2019
recommended a non-removable bandage as
offloading for plantar diabetic foot ulcers (except
for ischemic and infected wounds).
Aim: To investigate the effect of non-removable or
removable offloading devices in plantar diabetic foot
Materials and Methods: The study is a systematic review and metaanalysis
and the systematic litterature search was performed
the 31. Of january 2020. The evidens consists of 12
randomised clinical trials. Patients had an average
age between 52-73 years and the average duration
of diabetes was 8-17 years. The wound size was
between 1.3-13.1 cm2 and the intervention period
lastet 4, 12 and 16 weeks or until total wound
Results: Among the patients who received treatment with a
removable offloading, 144 out of 264 patients
achieved wound healing compared with 188 out of
236 in the patients who received a non-removable
offloading. The meta-analysis showed that, non-
removable offloading is likely to increase wound
healing (total wound closure) significantly compared
to removable offloading. The relative risk was 0.72
(95% CI: 0.61, 0.85). Two out of 85 patients who
received removable offloading underwent an
amputation compared to two out of 93 patients who
received non removable offloading. The meta-
analysis showed no clinically relevant differences, as
the relative risk was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.17, 5.87).
Interpretation / Conclusion: Clinicians should consider non-removable offloading
rather than removable offloading in patients with
plantar diabetic foot ulcers.
208. Experimental treatment of insufficiency fractures in RA patients – a new treatment algorithm in the making?
Mette Sørensen Studstrup¹, Peter Larsen¹ ², Søren Kold¹, Rasmus Elsøe¹
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg,
Denmark¹; Department of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Aalborg
University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark²
Background: Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis
(RA) often have substantial pain and disability
related to the affected joints. Increased RA
activity may result in articular or periarticular
pain. Such pain may also be related to juxta-
articular insufficiency fractures which initially are
seldom detected by conventional x-ray but only
visualized by MRI often causing a delay in
diagnosis. Conservative treatment of these
fractures may be prolonged as especially pain,
but also intraosseous edema and fracture
healing assessed by MRI resolves exceedingly
slow resulting in an extended immobilization
period. Cerament V (CV) is a hydroxyapatite
and calcium sulfate-based bone void filler with
vancomycin used in trauma- and reconstructive
Aim: We report a small case series including the first
4 patients diagnosed with RA and insufficiency
fractures treated experimentally with inforation
and injection of CV.
Materials and Methods: This study includes patients in the North Region
of Denmark diagnosed with RA insufficiency
fractures that did not respond satisfactorily to
conservative treatment. All patients are referred
with either increased periarticular pain or MRI
verified insufficiency fractures in the lower limb.
So far 4 patients have received experimental
surgical treatment and 2 awaits surgery. Surgery
is performed minimally invasive. A small incision
is made, depending of the site treated. A large-
gauged cannula is used to inforate and inject
CV. Postoperative patients are allowed full
weight bearing without restrictions.
Results: 4 patients were treated surgically. Follow-up
time was 1 – 5 months. 3 patients became pain-
free, 1 patient had residual pain, 1 patient
experienced leakage of CV, but no sign of
Interpretation / Conclusion: This case series presents a method that may
alleviate pain related to insufficiency fractures in
patients with RA where conservative treatment
has not been sufficient. Inforation and injection
of CV may be an option to treat these patients.
This procedure is minimal invasive with no
immobilization requirements and may be
performed in an out-patient setting. Further
studies are warranted before this treatment
algorithm can be implemented as a standard
care for this patient group.
206. The Isolated Posterior Malleolus fracture
Thomas Colding-Rasmussen¹ , Benjamin Presman¹ , Ilija Ban¹
¹Dep. of orthopedic surgery, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark
Background: The surgical treatment of fractures in the
posterior malleolus as part of bi- or tri-malleolar
fractures are investigated extensively, and
studies show that involvement of the posterior
malleolus often indicate severe trauma and
increase the risk of prolonged pain and
arthrosis. However, very few studies investigate
the rare isolated posterior malleolus fracture
Aim: To describe the fracture mechanism, diagnosis
and treatment of the IPMF through a case report
and a literature review
Materials and Methods: A 26-year-old healthy female twisted her
ankle on a skateboard and presented herself
in the emergency room with discrete diffuse
swelling of the ankle and unable to bear
weight. 3 plane x-ray showed a non-
displaced IPMF. On CT-scan the diagnosis
was confirmed, and concomitant
fracture/displacement excluded. The patient
was treated with a weight bearing orthosis
and subsequent weight bearing x-rays 10
days later showed no displacement. The
patient was discharged with no further
follow-up. A literature review identified one
review of 75 cases from 2017
Results: IPMF account for 0.5-4% of all ankle
fractures and occur most frequently in adults
(31.6 ± 5,7 years). The trauma mechanism is
either a twisting motion or an axial loading
where talus is pushed against the posterior
malleolus. The mechanism is important in
the evaluation of potential soft-tissue
In up to 75% of the cases, the diagnosis was
initially overlooked due to diffuse
symptomology and difficult visualization on
plain x-rays. Delayed diagnosis can increase
the risk of persistent pain and arthrosis. The
choice of treatment depends on the size of
the fragment and displacement but the
indication for surgery is still under debate.
85% of the cases were treated
conservatively, and 15% operatively; all
successfully with no significant sequelae.
Interpretation / Conclusion: However rare, the IPMF fracture may indicate a
complex ankle injury and therefore warrant extra
attention when diagnosed. The diagnosis is
difficult due to diffuse symptoms and limited
visualization on plain x-rays. A CT scan should
be performed to determine the fracture pattern
and potential concomitant injury. When
diagnosed in time and treated properly the risk
of sequelae is low.
200. Percutaneous intramedullary screw or rush pin fixation of unstable ankle fractures in fragile people – retrospective study of 80 cases.
Simon Oksbjerre Mortensen¹, Per Hviid Gundtoft², Jeppe Barchmann²
Department of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital²
Department of Orthopaedics, Regionshospitalet Randers¹
Background: Patients with unstable ankle fractures and fragile
soft tissues have often been treated with an
intramedullary screw or rush pin.
Aim: To evaluate the re-operation rates of patients with
unstable ankle fractures treated with fixation of the
distal fibula with an intramedullary screw or rush pin.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study. We identified
all patients above 18 years of age, who were
surgically treated for an ankle fracture at Aarhus
University Hospital, Denmark between January 1st,
2012 to December 31th, 2018. All postoperative x-
rays of the cohort were assessed and all patients
treated with either a 3.5 screw or rush pin were
included. From the patients’ medical record we
retrieved information on: re-operation, comorbidity,
and complications. Major complications were
defined as re-operation within 3 month.
All x-ray obtained at the outpatient clinic at 6 weeks’
follow-up were retrospectively evaluated for loss of
reduction and whether the medial clear space
(MCS) were larger than 4 mm or were 1 mm larger
than the superior clear space above talus (SCS).
Results: A total of 80 patients were included of which 55
were treated with a screw and 25 with a rush pin.
The majority was females (59 patients) and the
average age was 75-years (24-100 years). A total of
20 suffered from osteoporosis and 65 had one or
more comorbidities.
Three patients were re-operated within 3 months
due to either fracture displacement (2) or hardware
cutout (1). Additionally, one more patient was
described in the medical record with fracture
displacement, but was treated conservatively due to
comorbidity. Early complications were found as
superficial wound infection (4) and delayed wound
closure (6).
In addition to the 3 patients, where fracture
displacement was described in the medical record,
we identified 9 patients that had loss of reduction at
follow-up. A MCS larger than 4 mm was seen in 15
patients and 11 had a MCS that was more than 1
mm larger than the SCS.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Intramedullary fixation of distal fibula fractures, with
either a screw or rush pin, has low re-operation
rates. However, there is a worrying high proportion
with radiological loss of reduction.
196. Complication classification grading in intramedullary bone lengthening nails. A reliability study with an inter-and intra-rater assessment.
Markus Winther Frost¹ ², Ole Rahbek¹ ², Marie Fridberg¹ ², Mindaugas Mikužis¹, Søren Kold¹ ²
1. Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Aalborg University Hospital
Hobrovej 18-22
9000 Aalborg
2. Department of Clinical Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Aalborg University
Sdr. Skovvej 15
9000 Aalborg
Background: Lower limb lengthening with intramedullary bone
lengthening nails has been reported with varying
complication rates. The absence of consensus
on how to report complications might influence
the variability seen in complication rates. Four
different severity classification systems have to
our knowledge, been used. Since bone
lengthening affects different tissue types
individually, both the complication severities and
tissue origin are essential. However, no known
complication severity classifications account for
the complication origin or have been tested for
Aim: The study aims to evaluate a severity and origin
complications classification system in bone
lengthening nail for inter-and intra-rater agreement.
Materials and Methods: Complication severity was classified according to
Black et al. 2015. (I, II, IIIA, IIIB).
Complication origins were classified into eight
main groups (soft tissue, joint, vascular, bone,
neurological, infection, device-related, others)
and 33 sub-groups. Four orthopedic surgeons
assessed the 48 complications retrieved from
patient charts, and 49 reported complications
from published literature. The cases were
evaluated in a blinded independent set up with at
least six weeks apart. Inter-and intra-rater
agreement was estimated with Cohen/Congers
kappa. Svanholm et al. were used to interpret the
kappa values. CI: 95 % confidence intervals.
Results: For the cohort cases, the kappa value of severity
and origin was .68 CI(.56-.79) and .63 CI(.53-.73)
respectively, giving good inter-rater agreement. A
good inter-rater agreement were also observed with
a kappa value on the severity of .64 CI(.53-.75) and
origin of .74 CI(.65-.83) in the literature retracted
cases. A poor to excellent intra-rater agreement was
observed for the cohort and literature cases.
Interpretation / Conclusion: This first reliability-tested complication classification
system that incorporates severity and origin grading
for bone lengthening nails has shown good inter-
rater agreement for literature and cohort cases.
Differences among intra-rater agreement indicated
that the classification system might improve with
better reviewer rules and guidance.
163. Concentrations of co-administered vancomycin and meropenem in the internal dead space of a cannulated screw and in cancellous bone adjacent to the screw – evaluated by microdialysis in a porcine model
Sofus Vittrup, Maiken Stilling, Pelle Hanberg, Sara Kousgaard Tøstesen, Martin Bruun Knudsen, Josephine Olsen Kipp, Mats Bue
Aarhus Denmark Microdialysis Research (ADMIRE), Orthopaedic Research
Laboratory, Aarhus University Hospital; Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus
University; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital
Background: Cannulated screws are often used in the
management of open lower extremity fractures.
These fractures exhibit broad contamination
profiles, necessitating empirical antibiotic Gram-
positive and Gram-negative coverage. To
ensure full antibiotic protection, target tissue
antibiotic concentrations should, as a minimum,
reach and remain above relevant
epidemiological cut-off minimal inhibitory
concentrations (T>MIC) for a sufficient amount
of time.
Aim: To evaluate vancomycin and meropenem target
site T>MIC values for bacteria most frequently
found in infections following open lower
extremity fractures
Materials and Methods: 8 pigs received single doses of vancomycin
(1000 mg) and meropenem (1000 mg)
simultaneously. Microdialysis catheters were
placed in the internal dead space of the
cannulated screw, in tibial cancellous bone
adjacent to the screw, and in cancellous bone
on the contralateral leg for sampling of
vancomycin and meropenem concentrations
over 8 h. MIC targets ranged from 1-4 µg/mL for
vancomycin and 0.125-2 µg/mL for meropenem.
Results: For both drugs, and for all MIC targets
investigated (except for the high vancomycin
target: 4 µg/mL), the internal dead space of the
cannulated screw had the shortest T>MIC. For
the high MIC targets, T>MIC ranged between 3-
446 min for vancomycin (4 µg/mL) and 17-181
min for meropenem (2 µg/mL). Vancomycin
displayed longer T>MIC (2 and 4 µg/mL), higher
area under the concentration time curve (AUC0-
last) and peak drug concentration in the
proximal tibial cancellous bone without a screw
nearby. For meropenem, only the cancellous
bone AUC0-last was significantly higher on the
side with no screw.
Interpretation / Conclusion: We found short T>MIC, particularly for the high
MIC targets for vancomycin and meropenem,
both inside the cannulated screw and in
cancellous bone adjacent to the screw. The
presence of a cannulated screw impaired the
penetration of especially vancomycin into
cancellous bone adjacent to the screw. More
aggressive or different vancomycin and
meropenem approaches may be considered to
encompass contaminating differences and to
ensure a theoretically more sufficient antibiotic
protection of cannulated screws when used in
the management of open lower extremity
Poster Walk 2: Hip arthroplasty
Chair: Ann Ganestam / Christian Skovgaard Nielsen
155. Perioperative preventive use of antibiotics, how much is necessary? Effect of single versus multiple prophylactic antibiotic doses on prosthetic joint infections following primary total hip arthroplasty (THA). Protocol for the Pro Hip Quality Trial
Armita Armina Abedi, Claus Varnum, Alma Becic Pedersen, Kirill Gromov, Jesper Hallas, Pernille Iversen, Thomas Jakobsen, Espen Jimenez-Solem, Kristian Kidholm, Anne Kjerulf, Jeppe Lange, Anders Odgaard, Nanna Kæstel Petersen, Flemming Schønning Rosenvinge, Søren Solgaard, Kim Sperling, Andrea Søe-Larsen, Robin Christensen, Søren Overgaard
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Bispebjerg, Denmark & Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health
and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Department of Orthopedics, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle, Denmark; Department of
Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark & Department of
Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark; Clinical
Pharmacology, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark,
Odense, Denmark; The Danish Clinical Quality Program– National Clinical Registries
(RKKP); Department of Orthopedics, Aalborg University Hospital, Farsø, Denmark &
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark; Department of
Clinical Pharmacology, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen,
Denmark; CIMT-Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Odense University
Hospital and University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; Infectious Disease
Epidemiology & Prevention, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Horsens Regional Hospital, Denmark; Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Centre of Head and Orthopedics and University of
Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; Patient Representative;
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Odense University Hospital, 5000 Odense C,
Denmark; Department of Hip and Knee Surgery, Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital,
Hellerup, Denmark; Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Næstved Hospital, Denmark;
Patient Representative; Section for Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Research, the
Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark &
Research Unit of Rheumatology, Department of Clinical Research, University of
Southern Denmark, Odense University Hospital, Denmark; Department of Orthopedic
Surgery and Traumatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg, Denmark &
Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University
of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Background: A feared complication after THA is periprosthetic
joint infection (PJI), associated with high
morbidity including prolonged hospitalization,
reduced quality of life, increased health-care
costs and high mortality. Using antibiotics is one
of the main modifiable factors for prevention of
PJIs. There is no consensus on the dosages,
and current recommendations are based on low-
level evidence. No randomized controlled trial
(RCT) has compared one preoperative dose with
additional doses of antibiotic prophylaxis.
Aim: To compare the effect of a single versus multiple
prophylactic antibiotic doses administered within 24
hours on PJI.
Materials and Methods: The study is designed as a cross-over, cluster
randomized, non-inferiority trial. All clinical
centers use both regimes (one year of each
intervention), but the order in which they use the
regimes is randomized.
In principle all Danish orthopedic surgery
departments will be involved. Over two years,
app. 18,000 primary THAs conducted at app. 45
public and private hospitals will be included,
corresponding to a statistical power of >99.9%.
Inclusion criteria: age =18 years, all indications
for THA except bone tumor and metastasis. The
primary outcome is PJI within 90 days after
primary THA. Secondary outcomes include (i)
serious adverse events, (ii) potential PJI, (iii)
length of stay, (iv) thromboembolic
complications, (v) hospital-treated infections, (vi)
community-based antibiotic use, (vii) redeemed
prescriptions for opioids, (viii) acetaminophen
The primary analyses will be based on the
Intention to Treat (ITT) population. Non-
inferiority will be met if the upper limit of two-
sided 95% confidence interval around the
absolute difference in risk is less than 2.0
percentage points.
Outcome measures will be extracted from
national databases: The Civil Registration
System, The Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register,
The Danish National Patient Registry, The
Hospital Acquired Infections Database and The
Danish National Prescription Database.
Results: Expected in ultimo 2024.
Interpretation / Conclusion: We believe, that results of this RCT will deliver
necessary evidence to change clinical practice on
antibiotic prophylaxis dosages in the future.
156. Early periprosthetic fracture in cementless total hip arthroplasty - A long term follow-up of 129 cases
Tobias Bak Skov, Mikkel Rathsach Andersen, Peter Frederik Horstmann, Christian Benned Fagernæs, Anne Grete Kjersgaard, Søren Solgaard
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Gentofte Hospital
Background: Periprosthetic fracture (PPF) following total hip
arthroplasty (THA) puts the patient at risk for an
outcome with pain and lower functional level. In the
literature uncemented operative technique is
associated with a higher risk of PPF.
Aim: To analyze the incidence of perioperative and early
PPFs at Gentofte Hospital, and evaluate functional
outcome. The incidence of PPFs is compared to
data from the Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register
Materials and Methods: In the period 2013 to 2019, a total of 6101 patients
were treated with THAs at Gentofte Hospital, and
uncemented technique was used almost exclusively.
Patients with perioperative fractures, or early
fractures within 3 months of primary surgery with an
uncemented THA, were eligible for inclusion. Data
were obtained by lookup in the patients’ medical
records. Fractures were classified by the Vancouver
classification. Functional outcome was evaluated
after a mean of 5.1 years follow-up (2-9 years) using
the Oxford Hip Score (OHS) and the Forgotten Joint
Score-12 (FJS-12).
Results: The incidence of perioperative and early PPF
was 2.1%. Perioperative fractures occurred in
0.9% (n=54) and early fractures in 1.2% (n=75).
During the period, the incidence of perioperative
and early fractures decreased from 1.3% and
1.6% to 0.4% and 0.9%, respectively. Revision
surgery within 3 months due to PPF was
performed in 0.7% (n=45). Six patients were
revised two or more times. From 2013 to 2018,
the DHR reported a mean incidence of
perioperative PPF of 1.1%. The mean OHS was
39.1 (15-48). Subclassified in pain and function
scale, patients reported a mean of 80.1 (20.8-
100) in pain subscale and 82.9 (33.3-100) in
function subscale. The mean of FJS-12 was 64.9
(0-100). Overall, patients undergoing revision
surgery reported a lower score of OHS and FJS-
12 compared to non-revised fractures.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Our findings indicate a lower incidence of
perioperative PPF compared to the data by DHR,
despite the use of uncemented technique. However,
the DHR data are not subdivided into fixation
technique. Patients tended to report a lower FJS-12,
though the relatively high OHS indicates that it is
possible to achieve a well-functioning THA after a
157. Biomechanics of a collum-fixated short stem in total hip arthroplasty.
Anders Tjønneland, Poul Torben Nielsen, Thomas Jakobsen
Department of Orthopedics, Aalborg University Hospital.
Background: Total hip arthroplasty with a short femoral stem
component have been developed and used
intermittently dating back to late 1930’ies.
However, short stem designs have never been
widely accepted. A potential benefit of a short
stem include more physiologic loading of the
proximal part of the femur, resulting in
preservation of bone stock in the calcar region.
Biomechanical reconstruction of the hip has a
significant impact on the clinical outcome and
survival of implants. To our knowledge little is
known about the ability of a neck stabilized
prosthesis to restore the biomechanics of the hip.
Aim: The overall aim of the present study was to evaluate
a collum fixated stem, PrimorisTM, effect on hip
biomechanics. We hypothised that the biomechanics
of the hip can be restored, especially the hip
parameters global offset and leg length difference
within an acceptable range. The primary outcomes
were measurable hip parameters on x-rays after
THA using the PrimorisTM stem.
Materials and Methods: Between July 2011 and June 2015, 1294
patients were treated with THA at the Farsoe
Clinic and 152 of them had a total hip
replacement, with a collum fixated stem,
PrimorisTM. 25 patients were excluded (13
contralateral hip prosthesis, 2 peroperative and 5
revision change to metaphyseal / diaphyseal
stabilized stem, 5 x-ray not suitable for
measurements). The epidemiological data for the
remaining 127 patients: mean age of 52 (SD 8.7)
and female/male ratio of 16/111.
Biomechanical parameters were measured post-
operatively at the arthroplasty side, as well as for
the native contralateral side on the same x-ray,
taken 1 year after surgery:
1. Global offset (GO)
2. Leg length discrepancy (LLD)
3. Neck shaft angle (NSA)
Results: Our findings were a mean GO of -3.4 mm (SD 7.2).
A mean LLD of +3.8 mm (SD 6.4). The NSA had a
mean increase of 14 degrees (SD 7.4)
Interpretation / Conclusion: In THA a neck stabilized stem, enables restoration of
hip anatomy within a beneficial range, in terms of the
global offset and the leg length discrepancy where
the mean difference is within ±5mm. However the
Primoris stem had a tendency being implanted in
158. Preclinical custom made 3D-CT interpositional intraarticular HipCap implant for patients with osteoarthritis
Jes B Lauritzen, Engin Y Kurt, Sune Lund Sporring, H Martin Kjer
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Radiology, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of
Background: An intraarticular hip joint spacer (1,2) has been
developed to reduce pain and improve motion in hip
joints in patients with osteoarthritis. The implant has
a smooth metallic surface with low friction and
thereby reduces transferred peak force across the
joint from bone to bone, where cartilage has been
Aim: To verify and document the process from 3D-CT
imaging to construct a custom made implant that fits
properly into the diseased joint in femoral head
specimens from patients undergoing operation with
insertion of a total hip arthroplasty.
Materials and Methods: 3D-CT scans of patients with arthritis and
osteoarthritic femoral specimens were performed
to develop the implant size. A 3-dimensional
circle measuring was done in 4 steps. Shape
evaluation. Alignment. Circle measuring.
Extracting the dimensions and creation of a 3D
implant model.
Six tests were involved in a laboratory study to
determine implant fit of the femoral osteoarthritic
head, including assessment of circumference,
thickness of implant and aperture of the cap to
obtain snapping of the implant over the femoral
head, so the cap does not dislocate. Test caps
were printed in plastic by KAPACITET A/S
(Nikolaj S Stauning & Thomas O Christensen).
The metal cup implant was constructed of
316LMV steel by ELOS MEDTECH A/S (Ole Z
Results: Joint space in arthritic joints was determined to be
around 0.75 mm to 1.00 for the desired implant
design. The accuracy of the implant size goes down
to 0.03 mm. The inner diameter was 46.70 and the
aperture cut was 44,50 mm, and the . The method
allows for assessing proper thickness of implant to
resist deformation. The 3D-CT gives precise
information of patients who will not be able to benefit
from the implant in cases where the roundness of
the femoral head is disturbed.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The 3D-CT based assessment for implant sizing
was able to achieve a precise fit. The results
from the preclinical studies will be followed by a
clinical test study in patients with diseased hip
1. Lauritzen JB, Sporring SL. Medical implant for
reducing pain in diseased joints. WO
2. Lauritzen JB. Custom made hip implant WO
2019/025546 A 1.
159. Body mass index related disparities of hip fracture care in Denmark – a population-based cohort study.
Nanna Sofie Astrup Pedersen¹, Inger Mechlenburg¹ ², Pia Kjær Kristensen¹ ²
Department of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital¹; Department of Clinical
Medicine, Aarhus University²
Background: Hip fracture is the leading cause of fall-related
mortality in older people. Adherence to the
guideline recommended treatment are in
Denmark continuously monitored through
process performance measures (PPM).
Unwarranted variation in fulfillment of the PPM,
reflecting guideline recommended hip fracture
treatment exist. Patients with either high or low
body mass index (BMI) may require extra
resources in care e.g. mobilization of an
overweight patient often takes more staff,
assistive devices, time, and space.
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the
association between patients’ BMI and quality of in-
hospital care among patients with hip fracture.
Materials and Methods: A nationwide, population-based cohort study using
prospectively collected data from the Danish
Multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Registry. The study
population consisted of 39,835 patients =65 years
admitted with a hip fracture and discharged between
1st of January 2012 and 29th of November 2017.
Binomial regression was used to estimate the
relative risk for fulfillment of the individual measures
with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Multiple
imputation method was applied to handle missing
BMI values.
Results: The overall fulfillment of the PPM ranged from 43%
for pre¬operative optimization to 95% for receiving a
post-discharge rehabilitation program. Patients with
missing data on BMI (17%) had the lowest fulfillment
of the process performance measures. The obese
patients had a lower fulfillment of operation within 36
hours compared to patients with normal weight (82%
vs. 85%) corresponding to a RR of 0.85 (95% CI
0.72-0.998). No differences in quality of care were
found among patients with underweight or
overweight compared to patients with normal weight.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Patients with hip fracture who are underweight or
overweight receives the same quality of in-hospital
care during admission as patients with normal
weight. The obese patients had a slightly higher risk
of waiting for surgery than patients with normal
weight. The overall fulfillment of PPM was lower
than the standards recommended in the national
guidelines and future improvements of the quality of
in-hospital care should benefit all patients with hip
fracture regardless BMI level.
161. Preclinical assessment study of a custom made 3D-CT HipCap implant for dogs with osteoarthritis
James E Miles, Parisa Mazdarani, Berendt Berendt, Sune L Sporring, Jes Bruun Lauritzen
University Hospital for Companion Animals, University of Copenhagen.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen.
Background: An intraarticular hip joint spacer (1,2) was developed
to reduce pain and improve motion in hip joints in
dogs and human patients with hip joint disease. The
implant has a smooth metallic surface with low
friction and thereby reduces transferred peak force
across the joint from bone to bone, where cartilage
has been lost. The first dog has been operated with
a fixed sized HipCap implant that needed reaming of
the femoral head and acetabulum. The effect of the
operation has been successful.
Aim: To verify and document the process from 3D-CT
imaging to construct a custom-made implant that fits
properly into the diseased joint in cadaver dogs, so
reaming can be avoided.
Materials and Methods: Canine cadaver studies were performed to
develop the implant size, instrumentation for
insertion, and the surgical technique. 3-
dimensional circle measuring was done in 4
steps: Shape evaluation; Alignment; Circle
measuring; Extracting the dimensions and
creation of a 3D implant model.
Four tests were involved in a cadaver study to
determine joint space in the diseased joint,
including assessment of circumference,
thickness of implant and aperture of the cap to
obtain snapping of the implant over the femoral
head, so the cap does not dislocate. Test caps
were printed in plastic by KAPACITET A/S
(Nikolaj S Stauning & Thomas O Christensen).
The metal cup implant was constructed of
316LMV steel by ELOS MEDTECH A/S (Ole Z
Results: Joint space in arthritic joints was determined to be
around 0.20 to 0.75 mm for dogs for the desired
implant design. The accuracy of the implant size
goes down to 0.03 mm. Aperture cut was 0.952 of
the inner radius of the implant.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The 3D-CT based assessment for implant sizing
was able to achieve a precise fit. The results
from the preclinical studies in dogs will lead to a
clinical test study in dogs with diseased hip
joints. The implant can be used independently of
the size of the dog.
1. Lauritzen JB, Sporring SL. Medical implant for
reducing pain in diseased joints. WO
2. Lauritzen JB. Custom made hip implant WO
2019/025546 A 1.
Poster Walk 3: Hip trauma and infection
Bjarke Viberg / Mats Bue
183. Physical activity in adult patients with hip fracture under 60 years of age is associated with health-related quality of life and strength; Results from the HFU-60 multicenter study
Anna Gaki Lindestrand¹, Sebastian Strøm Rönnquist ² , Bjarke Viberg³ , Søren Overgaard¹ 4, Henrik Palm¹, Cecilia Rogmark ² , Morten Tange Kristensen5 6
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Univeristy Hospital Bispebjerg¹ ;
Department of Orthopaedics Lund University, Skåne University Hospital Malmö Sweden ²
; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Lillebælt Kolding Hospital³;
Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of
Copenhagen4; Departments of Physiotherapy and Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen
University Hospital – Amager and Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark5; Department of Physical
and Occupational Therapy, Copenhagen University Hospital – Bispebjerg and
Frederiksberg & Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark6 .
Background: Younger hip fracture patients are often assumed
less active than the general population, but
knowledge on physical activity (PA), health-related
quality of life (HRQOL) and muscle strength in these
patients is limited. The World Health Organization
(WHO) recommends a minimum of 150 min of
moderate intensity aerobic physical activity (PA) per
week or 75 min of vigorous-intensity PA weekly for
adults older than 18 years.
Aim: We investigated 1) the variation in pre-fracture PA
for adult patients with hip fracture under the age of
60; and 2) quantified the association between PA,
and patient characteristics, HRQOL and handgrip
Materials and Methods: A prospective multicenter study (4 hospitals) of
207 adult hip fracture patients (85 women and
122 men, median (IQR) age of 53 (48-57) years)
admitted 2015-2018. Data was collected through
medical records, questionnaires, physical tests,
and interviews. PA level was assessed using a
validated questionnaire from the Swedish
National Board of Health and Welfare, providing
a total score from 3 to 19. A score =11
corresponds to fulfillment of the WHO
recommendation for weekly PA. Handgrip
strength was measured in kilograms using a
handheld dynamometer following a standardized
protocol. Recall pre-fracture HRQOL was
assessed using the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire.
Results: 59% had a PA score below 11, of whom 46% had
an ASA grade of 3 or 4, 38% had a BMI over 25 and
81% had a low energy fracture. A PA score <11
points was for both sexes associated with a
significantly lower HRQOL versus those with a PA
score>11. Correspondingly, a PA score <11 points
was associated with weaker hand grip strength and
a worse health status (higher ASA-grade, p<0.001).
Interpretation / Conclusion: We found that close to two-thirds of patients had a
pre-fracture PA level below WHO recommendations.
Being more active was associated with better health
status, handgrip strength and HRQOL. Our findings
indicate that individuals under 60 years who sustain
a hip fracture form a heterogeneous group, some
severely comorbid and others highly active and
healthy. This suggests a more nuanced
understanding of this patient group when it comes to
rehabilitation and physical demands.
197. Exploratory study of the OR team's perception of barriers and facilitators in connection with procedure shifts: uncemented hemi-arthroplasty to cemented in patients with acute hip fractures - a case study
Marlene Dyrløv Madsen1, Doris Østergaard1, Klaus Nymark Andersen1, Torben Beck1, Ann-Vibeke Bækgaard Christensen1, Thomas Giver Jensen1, Troels H. Lunn3,4,5, Henrik Palm2,3,5, Kenneth Szkopek2,3, Lene Viholt3,4, Søren Overgaard2,3,5
Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES Herlev), Capital
Region Copenhagen1; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology2;
Copenhagen University Hospital - Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg, Copenhagen3;
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care4; Dept of Clinical Medicine, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen5, Denmark
Background: DOS has in a Short Clinical Guideline
recommended to change from uncemented
hemiarthroplasty (HA) to cemented in the
treatment of patient with femoral neck fracture.
The overall aim was to develop a safe and
successful introduction of the new procedure by
uncovering all team members' perspectives on
the challenges of changing procedure. This is in
accordance with implementation science,
demonstrating the necessity to prepare all
stakeholders prior to procedure change.
Aim: The aim of this study was to explore all operation
room (OR) team members´ (surgeons, surgical
nurses, anesthesiologists, and anesthesia nurses)
perspectives of barriers and facilitators in introducing
a change in procedure.
Materials and Methods: Four semi-structured group interviews were
conducted with the team. Interviews were
transcribed, and anonymized. Data analysis was
performed in accordance with Braun and Clarkes
approach to reflexive thematic analyses using
thematic maps to define themes and sub-themes.
Results: The team contributed with barriers and important
needs for training, and supervision. We found
several themes regarding barriers and potential
fear related to procedural related factors and
organizational challenges. Subthemes were lack
of time to do the procedure before cementation
and uncertainty regarding maintenance of the
competencies. Moreover, the team expressed
their needs for a “safety package” including both
training and a psychological safe learning space.
We also found overall themes of more cultural
and relational nature, which transcends the other
themes, and works as both barriers and
facilitators: "myths", “time”, “culture”, giving voice
to the importance of the atmosphere in the OR.
The concept of "time" and the maintenance of
“myths” about difficulties handling cement have a
huge impact on the team leading potential fear
for the procedure. The team agreed on most,
although some points differed specific to
Interpretation / Conclusion: The team’s need for evidence-based training in
psychological safe space was evident and should be
secured. Time and myths as contributing factors in
driving fear needs special notice. All factors should
be considered when implementing the new
procedure in a training protocol.
199. Intramedullary nail versus dynamic hip screw with stabilising trochanteric plate in the treatment of unstable intertrochanteric fractures
Christina Frølich Frandsen ¹ ², Maiken Stilling ¹ ² ³, Eva Natalia Glassou ¹ 4, Torben Bæk Hansen ¹ ²
University Clinic for Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics, Gødstrup
Hospital, Denmark ¹
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark ²
Department of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark ³
Department of Quality, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark 4
Background: Intertrochanteric fractures are typically treated
with internal fixation. However, despite extensive
research, the best choice of implant for
intertrochanteric fractures remains controversial,
especially for unstable intertrochanteric fractures.
Intramedullary nails (IMNs) have shown better
results than dynamic hip screws (DHS), which
lead to the development of the trochanteric
stabilising plate (TSP). The TSP should stabilise
the greater trochanter and lateral femoral wall,
however, few have compared it to IMNs.
Aim: The study aimed to compare long IMNs and
dynamic hip screw with a trochanteric stabilising
plate (DHS-TSP) in the treatment of unstable
intertrochanteric fractures with the primary outcome
being reoperation within three years.
Materials and Methods: A prospective cohort study included 156 patients
treated for an unstable intertrochanteric fracture
(AO-type: 31A2.2-3 and 31A3.1-3) with IMN or DHS-
TSP. The primary outcome was reoperation within
three years. Secondary outcomes were measured
during the hospital stay (operation time, total blood
loss, blood transfusions, mobilisation and length of
stay) and at a one-year postoperative follow-up
(pain, patient-reported outcome measures (PROM)
and regaining pre-fracture function). Differences
between the two groups were analysed using the
chi-squared test or Fisher exact test.
Results: The two groups were similar concerning baseline
characteristics, expect for IMN being used more
frequently in osteosynthesis of AO-type 31A3
fractures (p<0.01). The IMN group had a higher total
blood loss (p<0.01) and a lower frequency of
mobilisation within 24 hours (p=0.02). However, this
was not reflected in the number of blood
transfusions (p=0.73) or a decreased walking ability
at the one-year follow-up (p=0.09). After one year,
the IMN group had less pain (p=0.04) but similar
results in terms of all other outcomes, including
regaining pre-fracture function (p=0.86), PROM
(p=0.35) and reoperation rates (p=0.61).
Interpretation / Conclusion: The findings suggest that both long IMN and DHS-
TSP may be used to treat unstable intertrochanteric
fractures with similar results regarding regaining
function, PROM and reoperation rates.
191. Risk Factors And Influence Of Surgical Skill On Reoperation After Treatment Of Acute Femoral Neck Fracture With Uncemented Hemiarthroplasty
Susanne Faurholt Närhi, Britt Aaen Olesen, Thomas Giver Jensen, Søren Overgaard, Henrik Palm, Michala Skovlund Sørensen
Department of Ortopaedics, Copenhagen University Hospital Bispebjerg
Background: According to national guidelines, it is
recommended that a patient with a femoral neck
fracture (FNF) eligible for a hemiarthroplasty
(HA) should have the stem implanted with
cementation, nevertheless the use of
uncemented HA is still ongoing.
Aim: Primary aim: Evaluate risk factors of reoperation
after treatment of FNF using an uncemented HA.
Secondary aim: Evaluate surgeon/supervisor skill
level in association with intraoperative
complications and risk of conversion to a
cemented stem.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of a consecutive,
population-based cohort of patients with FNF
treated with HA (BFX stem) in 2010-2016.
Variables and preoperative complications were
identified from patient files and reoperations were
identified from the Danish National Patient
Registry. Death was considered a competing
event for reoperation in a fitted Cox model. Chi2
test was used to address intraoperative
complications and conversion to cemented stem
between surgeon skill levels.
Results: 772 stems were implanted as uncemented,
24 were intraoperatively converted to
cemented stems (185/550 M/F, mean age
84). There were 37 reoperations occurring
(mean) after 37 (0-126) months. The cause
specific analyses showed that absence of
dementia was a protective factor of
reoperation (HR 0.45(CI:0.22-0.90)) and
smoking a risk factor (HR 2.30 (CI: 1.11-
4.77). In subdistrubution model dementia
failed to be prognostic (HR 0.53 (CI: 0.26-
1.07). Intraoperative complications were seen
in 82 stems out of 761, with no significant
difference in surgeon skill level. Main reason
for complication were fissure treated with a
We found that leading surgeon with less than
one year of orthopedic training was less likely
to convert to cemented stem, compared to
those with longer training (p=0.048).
Interpretation / Conclusion: We found that dementia and smoking were the
sole predictors for risk of reoperation.
Additionally, it was noticeable that if death was
not taken into consideration, dementia will not be
seen as a risk for reoperation. Less trained
leading surgeons had a lower risk of conversion
to cemented stem. This may be biased, as more
trained personnel are summoned to
complications leading to cementation.
203. Computer assisted navigation for cephalomedullary nailing of hip fractures: A prospective usability analysis.
Rasmus A. Hestehave¹, Jan D. Rölfing¹ ², Christian L. Nielsen¹, Ole Brink¹, Per H. Gundtoft¹
Department of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital¹ ; Corporate HR,
MidtSim, Central Denmark Region²
Background: The STRYKER ADAPT computer-assisted
navigation system provides intraoperative
feedback to the surgeon regarding implant
placement of the gamma3 nail. The usability of
the ADAPT system has not been evaluated.
Aim: To study the surgeons’ perceived usability of the
ADAPT system.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study with prospectively
collected data. The ADAPT system was
introduced at Aarhus University Hospital in
February 2021. Prior to introduction, all
surgeons were invited to a general introduction
of the system. Furthermore, ADAPT was
introduced to the surgical nurses and was on
display at the surgical ward at more than one
occasion. Following the introduction, it was
mandatory to use ADAPT when using the
Gamma3 nail to treat intertrochanteric femur
fractures. After each procedure, primary and
secondary surgeon answered the System
Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire. The SUS is
a ten-item questionnaire regarding the
perceived usability of a system. SUS scores
were translated to adjectives, describing user
experience on a 7-point adjective scale (worst
imaginable, awful, poor, ok, good, excellent,
best imaginable). User acceptability, defined as
“not acceptable”, “marginal” or “acceptable”,
was used to interpret the SUS scores.
Results: ADAPT was used in 50 procedures by 29
different surgeons, with varying skill-level. 61 of
79 sent questionnaires, were answered. Median
SUS-score after first-time use of ADAPT for all
29 surgeons was 43 (range: 5-60), which
translated to “poor” and “not acceptable”. For
surgeons who performed >=3 ADAPT-assisted
procedures, there were no statistically
significant difference in their first to latest SUS-
score (median difference: 4.3, p=0.5). In free
text comments ADAPT was positively described
as helpful in placement of K-wire and providing
educational opportunities for inexperienced
surgeons and negatively as inconsistent, slow,
time consuming, and causing excessive
Interpretation / Conclusion: Usability of the ADAPT system was ranged as
“poor” and “not acceptable” by the majority of
operating surgeons. Although the majority found
it unnecessary and time-consuming some stated
that it might be a useful supplemental tool for
inexperienced surgeons.
207. Rehabilitation for life: the effect on physical function of rehabilitation and care in older adults after hip fracture - study protocol for a cluster-randomised stepped-wedge trial
Jonas Ammundsen Ipsen ¹ ², Lars Tobiesen Pedersen¹ ² ³ , Bjarke Viberg4, Birgitte Nørgaard5 , Charlotte Suetta6 7 , Inge Hansen Bruun¹ ²
Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, Lillebaelt Hospital,
University Hospital of Southern Denmark¹; Department of Regional Health
Research, University of Southern Denmark²; Department of Health Education,
University College South Denmark³; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and
Traumatology, Lillebaelt Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark4;
Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark5;
Department of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg
Hospitals, University of Copenhagen, Denmark6; Department of Medicine, Herlev
and Gentofte Hospitals, University of Copenhagen, Denmark7
Background: Hip fractures are the most frequently surgically
treated trauma and it has serious consequences
for older adults. About 50% do not regain usual
physical function and mortalityplus readmissions
rates are high. The gap in healthcare delivery
might be a cause of inferior rehabilitation and
Aim: ‘Rehabilitation for Life’ trial has been developed
to challenge this gap and assess the effect of
continuous and progressive rehabilitation and
care across sectors for older adults after hip
Materials and Methods: ‘Rehabilitation for Life’ is designed as a
stepped wedge cluster randomised trial. The
study populations are non-institutionalised,
cognitively able, and older patients and health
care professionals in both sectors. One
regional hospital and all municipalities within
the catchment area participate. Patients
receive a trolley containing rehabilitation
regime, exercise equipment, and a guide,
targeted patient and next-of-kin to a digital
healthcare app. Health professionals are
taught how to facilitate empowerment. The
rehabilitation intervention consists of 12
weeks of resistance exercises initiated 1-2
days after discharge. Videoconferences
involving, hospital and municipal
physiotherapists and patients to enable
knowledge transfer. The care intervention
consists of a medical assessment including
measurement of vital signs conducted by
municipal nurses in patients’ own home. A
medical hotline enables direct confer with
hospital nurses and doctors.
Data collection at discharge and follow-up 8,
12, 26 weeks post-surgery include physical
measurements. The primary outcome is
Timed Up and Go test 8 weeks post-surgery.
Among secondary outcomes are 30 day and
1 year mortality rates, readmissions and cost-
Results: So far, 702 patients has been screened, 476
excluded (189 institutionalised, 75 young, 58 non
inhabitants of catchment area, 30 fast discharge,
52 other reasons, 72 reclined to participate) and
182 has been included.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The interventions delivered are evidence-based,
simple and reproducible. Thus if effective, it can
impact usual rehabilitation and care after hip
fractures nationwide, especially if it is cost-
188. Comorbidity burden and the risk of infection among hip fracture patients: a Danish population-based cohort study
Nadia R. Gadgaard¹, Claus Varnum² ³, Rob Nelissen4, Christina Vandenbroucke-Grauls¹ 5, Henrik T. Sørensen¹, Alma B. Pedersen¹
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus University,
Denmark¹; Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital – Vejle, Denmark²;
Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark,
Denmark³; Department of Orthopedics, Leiden University Medical Center, The
Netherlands4; Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control,
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands5
Background: Although both the risk of postoperative infection
and comorbidity burden have increased among
Danish hip fracture patients during the last
decade, the impact of comorbidity on infection
risk is unknown.
Aim: We aimed to examine the magnitude of the
association between comorbidity burden and any
infection after surgery for hip fracture.
Materials and Methods: Utilizing Danish population-based medical
registries, we identified patients undergoing hip
fracture surgery between 2004-2018 (n=92,600).
Comorbidity was categorized using the Charlson
comorbidity index (CCI) as low (CCI score = 0),
moderate (CCI score = 1-2), or severe (CCI
score =>3). Outcome was any hospital treated
infection within 30 days and 1 year of surgery.
We estimated cumulative incidences considering
death a competing risk and, by Cox regression,
hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence interval
(CI) adjusting for age, sex, and surgery year.
Results: Cumulative incidence of any infection increased
with increasing comorbidity burden, from 12.6%
(CI: 12.2-12.9%) to 19.5% (CI: 18.9-20.1%) and
22.2% (CI: 21.7-22.6%) to 36.6% (CI: 35.9-
37.3%) among patients with low to severe
comorbidity within 30 days and 1 year after
Compared to patients with low comorbidity, those
with moderate and severe comorbidity had
adjusted HRs of 1.3 (CI: 1.3-1.4) and 1.6 (CI:
1.5-1.7) for any infection within 30 days, and 1.4
(CI: 1.4-1.5) and 1.9 (CI: 1.9-2.0) within 1-year of
Interpretation / Conclusion: Among hip fracture patients, a higher comorbidity
burden was associated with increased hazards
for hospital treated infection. Focus on in-hospital
care of most comorbid hip fracture patients,
screening, and more aggressive prevention of
infection could potentially reduce infection risk.
Poster Walk 4: Knee
Chair: Julie R. Brandt / Mikkel R. Andersen
165. Validation of the indication ”pain without loosening” for revision of knee arthroplasties in the Danish Knee Arthroplasty Register.
Kristine B. Arndt¹, Henrik M. Schrøder², Anders Troelsen³, Mikkel R. Andersen4, Lasse E. Rasmussen5, Martin Lindberg-Larsen¹
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University
Hospital¹, Denmark; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Naestved Hospital²,
Denmark; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Hvidovre³, Denmark; Department of Orthopedics, Herlev Gentofte Hospital4,
Copenhagen , Denmark; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Lillebaelt Hospital -
Vejle5, Denmark
Background: 13% of revisions of knee arthroplasties
registered in the Danish Knee Arthroplasty
Register (DKR) are for the indication “pain
without loosening. However, the indication is not
validated and might cover other hidden
indications as well.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the
indication “pain without loosening” in the DKR,
and screen for other possible indications hidden
in this category.
Materials and Methods: We included patients undergoing first-time
revision knee arthroplasty for the indication
“pain without loosening” as the only registered
indication in the DKR. Revisions performed in
the time period January 1, 2016 to December
31, 2018 at five Danish centers were included in
the study. Medical records and radiographs
were reviewed for all patients and CT scans for
those available (29 patients).
Results: 86 patients were included in the study. The
distribution of Kellgren-Lawrence arthrosis
grade up to the primary knee arthroplasty
were grade 1 (1%), grade 2 (18%), grade 3
(41%) and grade 4 (20%). The primary knee
arthroplasties were TKA (56 patients),
unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (27
patients) and patellofemoral prosthesis (3
patients). All were revised to a total knee
arthroplasty (TKA). We did not find any
hidden indication in 60% of the cases
assessed from medical records, radiographs
and CT scans. We found hidden indications
in 40% of cases; stiffness, malposition of
components, instability, progression of
arthrosis, liner dislocation and aseptic
loosening. The hidden indications were
existing in the DKR in 9% of the cases.
Radiographic deviations were present in
50% of cases revised for pain without other
hidden indications and in 79% of cases
where another indication was present.
Interpretation / Conclusion: We did not find other hidden indication for 60%
of cases other than the registered indication
“pain without loosening”. Stiffness and
malposition of components were hidden
indications and may lack in the DKR.
166. Usage of guideline-adherent core treatments and different treatment pathways among patients with knee osteoarthritis: a prospective cohort study
Simon Majormoen Bruhn¹, Lina Holm Ingelsrud¹, Søren T. Skou² ³, Thomas Bandholm4 5 6, Anne Møller7, Henrik Morville Schrøder8 ?, Anders Troelsen¹
Clinical Orthopaedic Research Hvidovre (CORH), Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital
Hvidovre, Denmark¹; Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy, Department of Sports Science and Clinical
Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark²; The Research Unit PROgrez, Department of Physiotherapy
and Occupational Therapy, Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals, Region Zealand, Denmark³; Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Denmark4; Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Research Copenhagen (PMR-
C), Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Denmark5; Department of
Clinical Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Denmark6; Center for Research and Education in General Practice,
Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark7; Department of Regional Health Research, University of
Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark8; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals, Region
Zealand, Denmark?
Background: A large variety of treatments for knee osteoarthritis
(OA) exists and patients often undergo treatments
not in accordance with clinical guidelines.
Aim: To present 1) the proportion of patients receiving
guideline-adherent core treatments and 2) the most
common treatment pathways that patients with
primary referral to an orthopaedic surgeon due to
knee OA pursue before and after consulting an
orthopaedic surgeon.
Materials and Methods: This cohort study consecutively invited patients with
primary referral to an orthopaedic surgeon due to
knee OA from October 2018 to December 2020. At
inclusion, patients selected which treatments they
had received for knee OA from a pre-defined list of
18 treatments before consulting the orthopaedic
surgeon. After six months, patients selected from the
same list, which treatments they received since the
consultation or until surgery. The proportion of
patients receiving the recommended combination of
guideline-adherent core treatments (education and
exercise) was described. Additionally, we
investigated which three treatment pathways that
were the most common.
Results: Out of 5,251 eligible patients, 3,507 were included
and 2,574 had complete six months data.
Responders’ (58% female) mean (SD) age was 66.1
(10.1) years and mean (SD) BMI 29.5 (5.7) kg/m².
The proportion of patients receiving guideline-
adherent core treatments was 35% (899). 10% (245)
received no treatment. Out of 797 patients
undergoing knee arthroplasty, 37% (297) received
guideline-adherent core treatments, and 7% (59)
received no treatments before surgery. The most
common treatment pathways were: 1) No treatment
7% (n=186), 2) no treatment initially followed by
exercise after consultation 3% (n=88), 3)
pharmacological treatment initially, followed by no
treatment after consultation 2% (n=65). The number
of unique pathways was 1,289.
Interpretation / Conclusion: In only one third of the patients with knee OA,
treatment pathways adhered to clinical guidelines. In
addition, the proportion of patients receiving no
treatments and the large number of different
treatment pathways suggests a need for a more
structured effort to increase the use of guideline-
adherent core treatments.
Registration: NCT03746184, protocol: PMCID:
164. The 10-year evolution of day case hip and knee arthroplasty
Christian Bredgaard Jensen¹, Anders Troelsen¹, Christian Skovgaard Nielsen¹, Martin Lindberg-Larsen², Kirill Gromov¹
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery Hvidovre (CORH),
Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre¹; Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic
Research Unit (ORU), Odense University Hospital²
Background: Investigations have reported decreasing length of
stay following hip and knee arthroplasty in multiple
nations, without increased risk of readmission.
Studies have also found day case arthroplasty
surgery to be safe and feasible in selected patients.
However, no previous study has reported the trend
in use of day case arthroplasty surgery on a national
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the use of
day case surgery in total hip (THA), total knee
(TKA), and unicompartmental knee (UKA)
arthroplasty from 2010 to 2020.
Materials and Methods: Primary unilateral THAs, TKAs, and UKAs
performed as treatment for osteoarthritis were
identified in the Danish National Patient Register
using procedure and diagnoses codes. Day case
surgery was defined as discharge on the day of
surgery. Systematic utilization of day case surgery
was defined as >5% day case surgery. Any
unplanned overnight admissions within 90 days of
surgery was registered as readmissions.
Results: From 2010-2020 Danish hospitals performed 86,070 THAs, 70,323 TKAs and 10,440 UKAs.
From 2010-2014, less than 0.5% of THAs and TKAs were day case procedures. This increased
to 5.4% of THAs and 2.8% of TKAs in 2019. From 2010-2014, 11% of UKAs were day case
procedures, but this increased to 20% in 2019. 0% of public hospital performed day case THA
and TKA from 2010-2014. This increased to 33% and 13% of hospitals performing THA and TKA,
respectively in 2019. 14% of public hospitals performed day case UKA in 2010 - this increased to
63% in 2019. The overall 90-day readmission rate decreased from 10.3% in 2010 to 8.9% in
2019. In 2010 10%, 11%, and 6.7% of THAs, TKAs and UKAs, respectively, were readmitted.
This decreased to 9.1% and 9.2% of THAs and TKAs in 2019. Readmission rates after UKA
fluctuated between 5-7%, with 6.6% being readmitted in 2019.
Interpretation / Conclusion: From 2010-2020 the usage of day case surgery in
THA, TKA and UKA increased. The number of
hospitals performing day case surgery increased.
Despite the increasingly elderly and comorbid
arthroplasty population, increased use of day case
surgery does not appear to increase readmission
rates on a national level.
167. Concurrent validity of linear accelerations measured by low sampling frequency accelerometers during overground walking in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis
Arash Ghaffari¹, Ole Rahbek¹, Rikke Emilie Kildahl Lauritsen¹, Andreas Kappel¹, John Rasmussen², Søren Kold¹
Interdisciplinary Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital¹; Dept. of Materials and
Production, Aalborg University²
Background: The tendency towards using sensors for remote
monitoring of the patients at home is increasing.
One of the most important characteristics of the
sensors is their sampling rate. Higher sampling
rate results in higher quality data and lower
noise. However, higher sampling frequency
comes with a cost regarding handling the data.
Aim: To determine the validity of measurements performed by low sampling frequency
(12.5 Hz) accelerometers (SENS) in patients with knee osteoarthritis compared to
a previously validated system (Xsens). We also determined the test-retest
reliability of SENS.
Materials and Methods: Participants were patients with unilateral knee osteoarthritis referred to Aalborg
University Hospital, Farsø. Gait analysis was performed simultaneously by using
Xsens and SENS in two repetitions of over-ground walking at a self-selected
speed. After processing, the signals from SENS and VirtualSENS were compared
in different coordinate axes in time and frequency domains. ICC for SENS data
from first and second trials were calculated to assess the repeatability of the
Results: We included 32 patients (18 females) with median age 70.1[48.1 – 85.4]. Mean
height and weight of the patients were 173.2 ± 9.6 cm and 84.2 ± 14.7 kg
respectively. The correlation between accelerations in time domain measured by
SENS and VirtualSENS in different axes was r = 0.94 in y-axis (anteroposterior), r
= 0.91 in x-axis (vertical), r = 0.83 in z-axis (mediolateral), and r = 0.89 for the
magnitude vector. In frequency domain, the value and the power of fundamental
frequencies (F0) of SENS and VirtualSENS signals demonstrated strong
correlation (r = 0.98 and r = 0.99 respectively). The result of test-retest evaluation
showed excellent repeatability for acceleration measurement by SENS sensors.
ICC was between 0.89 to 0.94 for different coordinate axes.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Low sampling frequency accelerometers can provide valid and reliable
measurements especially for home monitoring of the patients, in which handling
big data and sensors cost and battery lifetime are among important issues.
168. Is postoperative urinary retention a new problem after surgery or an unknown chronic disorder in men undergoing elective hip, knee or shoulder arthroplasty; a pilot study
Inger Markussen Gryet, Helle Kjær Hvidtfeldt, Kirsten Herold, Merete Frydenlund Pedersen
Elective Surgery Center, Silkeborg Regional Hospital
Background: Postoperative urinary retention (POUR) is a
common complication in total joint arthroplasty
surgery. A routine procedure for pre-operative
bladder scan of patients undergoing total hip
arthroplasty (THA), total knee arthroplasty (TKA),
uni-compartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) or
total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) is not
established in many departments. Consequently,
when POUR is found, it is unclear whether it is a
new problem or an unknown chronic urinary
retention (CUR). CUR can be an unknown
medical disorder, and the risk of CUR increases
with age. The risk of POUR is associated with
CUR and spinal anesthesia.
Aim: To determine if residual urine (> 150ml pre- and
postoperatively) is a problem in elective orthopedic
surgery in men >65 years undergoing THA, TSA,
Materials and Methods: A pilot test, performing bladder scans on all men
aged >65 years undergoing THA, TKA, UKA or TSA
surgery during a four-week period in 2021.
Bladder scans were performed before surgery and
after recent voiding, and repeated postoperatively
after voiding if residual urine was =150ml
preoperatively. The limit for post void residual urine
is defined as =150ml and CUR as =300ml. Data was
collected retrospectively from the medical records.
Results: 72 men aged >65 years underwent surgery during
the four-week period of testing. 5 men were
excluded because of known urinary disorder treated
with catheterization. 12 men eligible for inclusion
were not scanned. 55 were scanned preoperatively:
5 (9%) had residual urine, 2 (4%) had CUR. 2 of the
patients with residual urine described symptoms of
residual urine in the outpatient clinic. 11 (20%) of the
55 men were re-scanned postoperatively: 6 of those
had >150ml residual urine, additionally 1 had
>300ml. 1 of the patients with CUR preoperatively
was treated and discharged with an indwelling
urinary catheter.
Interpretation / Conclusion: 9% (5/55) in this pilot test had residual urine and 4%
(2/55) patients had CUR preoperatively. 11 of 55
patients were bladder scanned postoperatively, 6
had >150ml and 1 >300ml.
A collaboration with urologists has been established
to form a local guideline for men with residual urine
to improve the quality of treatment.
169. Reliability of Teitges test
RIkke Dyhr Hansen, Jørgen Haraszuk, Per Hölmich, Kristoffer Weisskirchner Barfod
Sports Orthopedic Research Center – Copenhagen (SORC-C),
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital
Amager & Hvidovre, Denmark
Background: High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO) is used in
treatment of patients with medial knee
osteoarthritis (OA). A simple clinical test to
select the patients most likely to benefit
from the procedure is suggested by MD
Robert Teitge - the ‘grand old man’ of
Aim: To investigate the interrater reliability of ‘The
Teitge test’.
Materials and Methods: The study was performed as a reliability
study with two experienced orthopedic
surgeons performing the Teitge test blinded
to each other’s results. The Teitge test
consists of a varus stress test to provoke
the patient´s known symptoms followed by a
valgus stress test to relieve pressure from
the medial compartment of the knee and to
simulate the realignment achieved by HTO.
The test is considered positive if valgus
stress relieves pain and/or makes the knee
move mechanically smoother. Prior to
enrolment the investigators practiced
together, by performing the test on 5 healthy
individuals. Testing was standardized
following a written procedure. Inclusion
criteria were: unicompartmental knee
arthrosis, pain at the medial joint line, varus
malalignment on long weight bearing x-rays,
BMI 20-40, age 30-70 and English or
Danish proficiency. Reliability was
determined using Cohens kappa (κ).
Results: A total of 18 patients, mean age (SD) 56.7
(8.6), male/female 6/12 were included
resulting in 18 knees tested.
Positive/negative agreement between
investigators was found in 12 out of 18
cases, resulting in κ = 0.2, 95% CI = [-
0.29,0.72]. Due to a weighted number of
positive test results (11/18 and 15/18
respectively) prevalence adjusted bias
adjusted kappa (PABAK) was applied,
reaching κ = 0.3, 95% CI = [-0.1,0.76].
Interpretation / Conclusion: Slight to fair agreement was found for the
Teitge test. Clinicians should be careful
when interpretating the test due to the low
agreement between raters.
170. Patient reported outcome for the medial Oxford knee is better for younger specialist than super seniors
Lasse E. Rasmussen, Per W. Kristensen
Dept. of Orthopaedics
Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle
Background: Our unit consist of surgeons with different
levels of experience as dedicated knee
replacement surgeons. The 3 super seniors
have more than 20 years of experience and
the younger surgeons has less than 5 years’
experience. This study describes the
forgotten joint score (FJS) and revision for
the medial oxford unicompartmentel knee
replacement for patients treated by the
super seniors and the less experienced
younger sugerons. All surgeons had
participated in an education program
provided by the manufacturer (Zimmer)
Aim: To determine if FJS is dependent on
experience for the medial Oxford knee.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective cohort study from our
institution with all patients treated with a
medial uni in 2018-2020. Preoperative, 1
year oxford knee score and 1 year FJS was
measured and compared between the two
groups. Revisions for any cause within the
first postoperative year was compared
between the two groups.
Results: Usage, measured as percentage of medial
oxford primary knee replacements, was
similar between the groups (Seniors 31%;
Young 30%). No difference was observed
regarding ASA score, BMI and age as no
difference was observed in preoperative
oxford knee score between the groups.
Surgical duration was significantly faster for
the seniors (40 min vs. 51 mins; t-test; P =
0.0003). Median FJS after 1 year was
significantly higher for Young consultants
(79 points vs. 69 points, P = 0.0001; Mann
Whitney test). Revision for any reason was
similar between the groups. No difference in
FJS was observed for total knee
replacements when comparing outcome for
Super Seniors versus Young Consultants
(60 points vs. 63 points, P = 0.3, Mann
Whitney test).
Interpretation / Conclusion: Since the patients operated in both groups
appears to be similar, it is doubtful that the
faster operation time by the seniors results
in poorer outcome, since the risk of revision
is also equal in the two groups. Yet, surgical
technique could account for part of the
difference, but more likely patient approach
and shared decision making could be the
main factor in understanding the better
outcome for patients operated by a young
181. Failure of meniscal suture and predictive factors
Christopher Holst Hansen¹, Bjørn Borsøe Christensen¹, Anders El-Galaly²
Department of Orthopaedics, Horsens Regional Hospital¹; Department of
Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital²
Background: This study was made as a pilot project to
identify potential predictors for failure of
meniscal suture.
Aim: The aim of the study was to see if predictors
such as body mass index (BMI), smoking
status at time of operation, sex and age had
any correlations to failure of meniscal repair
by suture.
Materials and Methods: This study is a single center retrospective
study. Patients, who had undergone
operation with arthroscopic meniscal repair
at the department of orthopedic surgery at
Horsens Hospital were identified through
data on operations during a periode from
2014 to 2022. Each individual surgical
protocol was reviewed and the data was
The study endpoint was failure of meniscal
repair defined as a need for reoperation with
meniscal resection.
The data was analyzed by cox regression
and a Kaplan-Meier analysis was made to
estimate meniscal repair survival.
Results: This study is a single center retrospective
study. Patients, who had undergone
operation with arthroscopic meniscal repair
at the department of orthopedic surgery at
Horsens Hospital were identified through
data on operations during a periode from
2014 to 2022. Each individual surgical
protocol was reviewed and the data was
The study endpoint was failure of meniscal
repair defined as a need for reoperation with
meniscal resection.
The data was analyzed by cox regression
and a Kaplan-Meier analysis was made to
estimate meniscal repair survival.
Interpretation / Conclusion: This study showed a 5 year failure rate of
32,2% for arthroscopic meniscal repair.
This study showed no significant correlation
between age, sex, BMI or smoking status
on failure of meniscal repair.
Poster Walk 5: Upper extremity
Chair: Eske Brand / Jens-Christian Vedel
152. The prevalence of concurrent musculoskeletal complaints in elbows, shoulders, and neck in patients after an isolated hand and forearm complaint.
Lukasz Maciej Winiarski¹ , Jane Dorthea Livoni¹ , Poul Verner Madsen² , Michael Skovdal Rathleff¹ ³ , Peter Larsen¹ ²
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Department, Aalborg University Hospital,
Aalborg, Denmark¹;Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital,
Aalborg, Denmark²;Department of Health Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine,
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark³.
Background: Isolated hand and forearm complaints are common
in the emergency and orthopedic departments. So
far, little is known about whether these patients
suffer from concurrent musculoskeletal complaints
(MSCs) besides their hand and forearm complaints.
Neglecting concurrent MSCs in the upper limbs and
neck could hamper rehabilitation and prolong the
time taken to return to daily activities.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the
prevalence of self-reported concurrent MSCs in the
elbow, shoulder, and neck in patients with common
hand and/or forearm complaints.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 600 patients with
any type of diagnoses referred to hand therapy in
relation to a hand and/or forearm complaint.
Eligibility was determined based on clinical
interviews and self-report questionnaires. Patient
characteristics, diagnoses, and location of
symptoms were registered and analyzed.
Results: The patient group consisted of women (68%,
mean age 53 (18 SD)) and men (32%, mean age
48 (16 SD)). The largest diagnostic groups were
distal radius and ulna fractures (25%), ligament
lesions and ruptures in fingers (16%), and finger
fractures (14%). The overall prevalence of
concurrent MSCs was 40% (95% CI: 36%-44%).
The most common location of concurrent MSCs
was the shoulder, 62% (95% CI: 56%-68%),
followed by the elbow, 49% (95% CI:43%-55%),
and the neck 32% (95% CI: 26%-38%). Thirty-
eight percent (95% CI: 32%-44%) of all patients
reported concurrent MSCs in two or three
regions of the upper limb or neck. Twenty-eight
percent (95% CI: 24%-31%) of the whole sample
developed concurrent MSCs after the hand and
forearm complaint.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The present results suggest, that MSCs from the
elbows, shoulders, or neck are very common in
patients with hand and/or forearm complaints.
Clinicians managing patients with isolated hand and
forearm complaints should be aware of the high
prevalence of concurrent MSCs. Future research
should investigate if specific management strategy,
addressing concurrent MSCs, may improve the
outcome in this population.
153. Intratendinous ganglion and synovial cysts in the extensor digitorum communis tendon: A case report
Trine Brønden Kongensgaard, Niels Henrik Søe
Department of Hand Surgery, Herlev/Gentofte University Hospital of Copenhagen,
Hellerup, Denmark.
Background: Introduction: Intratendinous ganglion cyst is a rare
condition and only a few cases are described in
Aim: We present, to our knowledge, the first case report
of both intratendinous ganglion and synovial cyst in
the extensor digitorum tendon to the 3th finger.
Materials and Methods:
Results: Case report: A 71-year old woman presented with
left-sided localized swelling on the dorsal site of the
hand and a hard nodule in relation to EDC 3-tendon.
Ultrasound and MRI scans describe tenosynovitis in
the 4th extensor compartment with two
intratendinous cysts in EDC 3. Open surgical
synovectomy and excision of four cysts in total, one
cyst proximal to RC joint and three distal at the level
of os capitatum; one large and two minor. The cysts
resulted in longitudinal tendon split without the need
of repair. Histological analysis showed that that two
types of cysts were present; ganglion cyst and
synovial cyst. Post-operative recovery proceeded
according to plan.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Intratendinous ganglion cysts are a rare
condition, and most frequently described in the
extensor tendon. As in other cases the patient
present with tenosynovitis as localized swelling.
The previously described cases find only
ganglion cysts, and this case is to our knowledge
the first report of two types of cysts in the same
tendon; ganglion and synovial. The pathogenesis
of intratendinous cysts are still unknown and
different theories have been suggested,
accordingly further investigation into the origin of
intratendinous cysts are required.
154. Management of everyday life after a hand operation – a qualitative study of patients with a weak sense of coherence
Alice Ørts Hansen¹ ² ³ , Kamilla Kielsgaard³, Stina Meyer Larsen² ³ 4
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Odense University Hospital
and Svendborg Hospital, Odense, Denmark¹
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
Competence Centre for Rehabilitation, REPHA, Danish Centre for Rehabilitation
and Palliative Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark³
Health Sciences Research Center, UCL University College, Odense Denmark4
Background: Psychosocial factors, such as sense of
coherence (SOC) are thought to influence
rehabilitation outcomes in hand therapy, including
functioning. A greater impact on participation in
everyday life occupations has also been found
for patients with a weak SOC compared to those
with a strong SOC.
Aim: To explore how patients with hand-related
disorders and a weak SOC experience and
manage everyday life after an operation.
Materials and Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with five
women and three men between the ages of 48
and 65 operated for a hand-related disorder who
had a weak SOC (SOC-13 score < 52).
Participants were enrolled from a large cohort
study. All eligible patients operated from
December 2020 - March 2021 were invited.
Participants were interviewed once between six
and 13 weeks after operation. Data were
analysed based on a hermeneutic approach.
Results: The preliminary analyses resulted in two
themes, the first of which was Feeling sort of
impaired with the subthemes lots of small
streams make a big river and challenges in
everyday living. Besides the hand-related
disorder, participants had several other
circumstances that challenged their everyday
life. Some participants did not mention ‘loss of
roles’; they had already adapted and
simplified life because of life circumstances
beyond the hand disorder. The participants
mentioned several strategies that they used
to manage everyday life, such as: adapt the
environment, ask for help, postpone activities,
spread activities throughout the day and
compensatory solutions. The second theme
was Uncertainty and confident, with the
subthemes expectations and information. The
participants felt uncertain and insecure about
the future and whether they are doing things
right, e.g., their rehabilitation. This was set in
contrast to the feeling of confident and
security in getting adequate information about
what to do and what to expect after the
operation and for the future.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The conclusion and the final results will be
presented at DOS 2022.
192. Complications after volar locking plate fixation of distal radius fractures: a retrospective study in 822 patients
Søren Perregaard, Rasmus Wejnold Jørgensen, Marcus Landgren
Department of Orthopedic surgery, Hand Surgery Unit, Herlev and Gentofte, Gentofte,
Background: With the current routine use of volar locking plates
as the preferred surgical treatment method of distal
radial fracture the purpose of this work was to
investigate the complication rate following surgery.
Aim: The aim was to investigate the incidence of
complications following surgery using a volar locking
plate for a distal radial fracture.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of the medical records of
all patients treated with open reduction and
internal fixation with volar locking plate (VLP) for
a distal radial fracture. Nine-hundred and nine
distal radial fractures, in 902 surgically treated
patients were identified between year 2017 and
2019 at Herlev and Gentofte Hospital. Eighty-
seven patients were excluded mainly due to
incorrect coding and surgically treated with other
methods than a VLP. Hence, 822 patients were
deemed eligible for inclusion and postoperative
complications attributable to the surgical
treatment were recorded with a mean follow-up
time of 2.8 years
Results: The mean age of the study population was 63 years
(18 to 94) and 81% were female. We identified an
overall postoperative complication incidence was
14.2% (116 in 822 patients). With 8.2% (67/822)
major complications and 6.0% (49/822) defined as
minor complications. The most frequently observed
complications was pain and reduced range of motion
leading to hardware removal (n = 23, 2.8%), skin
adherence not requiring surgical revision (n = 18,
2.2%), and carpal tunnel syndrome (n = 16, 1.9%),
13 underwent carpal tunnel release. Secondary
surgery was performed in 9.9% (81 procedures in 87
patients), including preoperatively planned removal
of hardware.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The incidence of complications following open
reduction and internal fixation of distal radial
fractures was low, however patients are at risk of
developing both major and minor complications
postoperatively. Despite being a safe and efficient
treatment for distal radius fractures where surgery is
deemed necessary, there is a need for a better
understanding of subpopulations at risk of
experiencing complications following surgery.
205. Exploring patient experiences after treatment of humeral shaft fractures: A qualitative study
Dennis Karimi¹, Line Houkjær², Anders Skive³, Camilla Holmenlund³, Stig Brorson², Bjarke Viberg¹, Charlotte Abrahamsen4
Department of Orthopaedics, Kolding Hospital¹; Department of Orthopaedics,
Zealand University Hospital²; Department of Orthopaedics, Hvidovre University
Hospital³; Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern
Background: Humeral shaft fracture treatment can induce
serious morbidities, and fractures are notoriously
difficult to handle in the emergency department
as well as in the outpatient clinic. It is unclear
how patients experience their treatment course
and how different morbidities impact patients.
Aim: To gain in-depth knowledge, we explored how
patients experience humeral shaft fractures and
the subsequent treatment course.
Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was performed using semi-
structured individual interviews. A purposive
sampling approach was conducted to recruit
patients with traumatic isolated humeral shaft
fractures; the patients’ ages, genders, primary
treatments, and complications varied. Data
saturation was met after the data of 12 patients
were analyzed using Malterud Systematic Text
Results: Eight women and four men with a median age
of 48.5 years (range: 22–83 years) were
interviewed. The median time from injury to
interview was 12.5 months (range: 8–18
months). Ten out of twelve patients were
treated non-surgically; of those ten, four
patients experienced major complications from
the primary treatment. During the analysis, five
overarching themes were identified:
expectations, physical changes, support and
independence, psychological impact, and the
specific treatment and recovery. Within these
themes patients experienced feeling trivialized
by personnel, lacked quality information, and
were severely impaired in their mobility and
Interpretation / Conclusion: First, patients with humeral shaft fractures
expressed frustration with treatment in the
emergency department. Second, gross fracture
movement and pain were central symptoms that
led to the loss of basic capabilities. Third, patient
preferences were included in the treatment
decision-making process and could change
throughout the treatment course. Fourth,
patients required massive support to perform
basic activities of daily living.
180. Accuracy and reliability of a new non-invasive model for dynamic measurements of glenohumeral translation
Catarina Malmberg¹, Stefan E Jensen¹, Benjamin Michaud², Per Hölmich¹, Kristoffer W Barfod¹, Jesper Bencke¹ ³
Sports Orthopedic Research Center – Copenhagen (SORC-C), Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager & Hvidovre, Denmark¹; Laboratoire de
simulation et modélisation du mouvement (S2M), École de kinésiologie et des sciences
de l’activité physique, Université de Montréal, Québec²; Human Movement Analysis
Laboratory, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager
& Hvidovre, Denmark³
Background: Shoulder conditions are often directly connected to
glenohumeral joint pathology and can lead to
abnormal joint kinematics, described as
glenohumeral translation. A skin marker-based
motion capture model for measurements of
glenohumeral translation was recently developed.
Aim: To investigate the concurrent validity and the
interrater reliability of a new model for analysis of
glenohumeral translation.
Materials and Methods: Twelve infrared cameras were used to track reflections from moving
skin markers in the motion capture model. A strict protocol for
placement of the skin markers was followed. Shoulder range of
motion (ROM) and activities of daily living (ADL) were tested. To
investigate the validity, the skin marker-based model was compared
to gold standard through simultaneous data collection from markers
fitted to intracortical pins in the humerus and the scapula of healthy
volunteers. Reliability was tested by comparing two investigators
performing the skin marker-based protocol in a different group of
healthy volunteers. The mean Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was
calculated for each tested motion to determine the validity. The
interrater reliability was determined as Intraclass Correlation
(ICC2,1) for each tested motion.
Results: Four subjects were included in the validity test:
F/M=2/2, mean age 35 (range 31-38), mean BMI
23.2 (SD2.70). The RMSE for anterior-posterior
translation ranged 5.8-8.1 mm during ROM and 5.5-
8.0 mm during ADL. For superior-inferior translation,
the RMSE ranged 3.3-6.8 mm during ROM and 3.4-
4.8 mm during ADL. In the reliability experiment, 20
subjects were included: F/M=8/12, mean age 31
(range 23-37), mean BMI 22.9 (SD1.74). The ICC
for anterior-posterior translation ranged 0.13-0.51
during ROM, 0.25-0.63 during ADL.
Correspondingly, the ICC for superior-inferior
translation ranged 0.08-0.50 and 0.05-0.55.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The inaccuracy of the skin marker-based model
exceeded physiological values of glenohumeral
translation for all tested movements. The reliability of
the model was task dependent, but the limited study
sample complicates interpretation of data. The skin
marker-based model cannot be recommended for
measurements of glenohumeral translation.
175. Stemmed hemiarthroplasty with a suture collar and a common platform system for acute proximal humeral fractures
Jeppe Vejlgaard Rasmussen¹, Alexander Amundsen¹, Marc Randall Nyring¹, John Kloth Petersen², Zaid Issa², Bo Sanderhoff Olsen¹
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Herlev-Gentofte Hospital¹; Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, Zealand University Hospital, Køge²
Background: Hemiarthroplasty for acute proximal humeral
fractures gives disappointing results, often due to
rotator cuff insufficiency. Better tuberosity fixation
might improve results.
Aim: Therefore, the aim of this study was to: 1) report the
outcome of a stemmed hemiarthroplasty with a
common platform system and a modular suture
collar; 2) to compare the outcome with that of a
standard stemmed hemiarthroplasty; 3) to report the
feasibility of revision arthroplasty with retention of
the stem and; 4) to evaluate the association
between tuberosity healing and functional outcome.
Materials and Methods: Forty-four fractures that were deemed not suitable
for non-surgical treatment or open-reduction and
internal fixation were treated with the Global Unite
fracture system between January 2017 and July
2019. The functional and radiographic results at 2
years were compared with the results of 44 Global
Fx arthroplasties. The results of patients who had
adequate healing of the greater tuberosity were
compared with the results of patients who had
severe malunion or non-union (resorption).
Results: Mean Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS), Constant-
Murley Score (CMS) and Western Ontario
Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder index (WOOS) was 33
(range 10 to 48), 40 (range 10 to 98), and 68 (range
18 to 98) at 2 years. There were no differences in
functional outcome scores or in the risk of
inadequate healing of the greater tuberosity between
the Global Unite and the Global Fx systems. Five
(11%) patients underwent revision surgery with
retention of the stem. Inadequate tuberosity healing
was associated with an inferior CMS (mean
difference: 6; 95% CI: 1 to 10, P=0.01) and an
inferior OSS (mean difference: 9; 95% CI: 1 to 16,
Interpretation / Conclusion: The use of stemmed hemiarthroplasty with a suture
collar did not improve healing of the greater
tuberosity nor the functional outcome. Five
arthroplasties were revised with retention of the
stem and the common platform system could be
arguments for using the Global Unite system when a
stemmed hemiarthroplasty is used for acute
proximal humeral fractures.
Poster Walk 6: Paediatrics
Chair: Martin Gottliebsen / Peter Buxbom
171. Construct validity of a novel simulator for pinning of supracondylar humeral fractures
Jan Duedal Rölfing¹ ², Steven Long ³, Ahmed Abood ², Emily Connor ³, Emily Wagstrom 4, Geb Thomas 5, Donald Anderson ³, Heather Kowalski ³
¹ Corporate HR, MidtSim, Central Denmark Region
² Dept. of Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital,
³ Dept. of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Iowa, USA
4 Dept. of Orthopedics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
5 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Iowa, USA
Background: Dislocated supracondylar humerus fractures
(SCH) in children are often treated by diverging
Kirschner wires across the fracture to provide
stable fixation. Building on a validated simulator
for hip fractures, we developed an augmented
reality simulator to train orthopedic residents in
pinning SCH.
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the
construct validity of the SCH simulator that
means its ability to distinguish surgical
Materials and Methods: 43 surgeons from the University of Iowa,
University of Minnesota, and University of
Aarhus, Denmark were included. 21 novices
(first- or second-year residents), 11 intermediate
surgeons (third- or fourth-year residents), and
11 advanced surgeons (fifth-year residents or
faculty) participated. Surgical performance was
graded on wire divergence, use of fluoroscopy,
and overall time. Differentiating features of the
simulator include: (1) camera-based tracking of
a wire replaces fluoroscopic radiation exposure
and (2) a plastic Sawbone replicates the feel of
drilling through actual bone. After a warm-up
exercise, participants were exposed to a
reduced SCH and asked to place 3 diverging
lateral wires based on haptic and radiological
feedback by the simulator.
Results: Advanced and intermediate surgeons achieved
significantly greater pin spread than the novice
group (advanced 49%, intermediate 40%,
novice 29%). The advanced group used
significantly less fluoroscopy than the
intermediate and novice groups (advanced
27+/-6 images, intermediate 41+/-17, and
novice 52+/-18). The advanced participants
required significantly less time to place the 3-
wire construct (advanced 321+/-74 seconds,
intermediate 448+/-137, novice 592+/-196). All
results were statistically significant, p<0.05.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Treating SCH is a critical skill that orthopedic
surgeons must acquire. This study shows that
the novel simulator can clearly distinguish
between the 3 groups: novice, intermediate, and
advanced performance. Future studies will
investigate how simulator training can improve
the surgical skill of novice and intermediate
172. Evaluating Inter-rater reliability of the Modified Gordon Score for pin site infection
Marie Fridberg, Arash Ghaffari, Hans-Christen Husum, Ole Rahbek, Søren Kold
Interdisciplinary Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark
Background: There is no consensus on how to evaluate and
grade pin site infections, the most common
complication in external fixation. Pin site
infection is diagnosed from clinical symptoms
(erythema, swelling, pain, drainage, pus). A
precise, objective and reliable pin site infectious
score is warranted to improve post-surgical care
Aim: The aim was to test the reliability of the Modified
Gordon Infection Score (MGS). The observed
agreement and inter-rater reliability were
investigated between nurse and doctors
Materials and Methods: MGS: 0=clean 1=Serous drainage, no erythema
2=Erythema, no drainage 3=Erythema and
serous drainage 4=Erythema and purulent
drainage 5=Erythema, purulent drainage,
radiographic osteolysis 6=Ring sequestrum or
osteomyelitis. To differentiate between grade 4
and 5 radiographs are needed to identify
osteomyelitis. MGS score was performed in the
outpatient clinic at Aalborg University Hospital,
Denmark on 1472 pin sites in 119 patients by
one nurse and one of three orthopaedic
surgeons blinded to each other’s judgement.
The data was stored in a Red Cap Database for
further statistical analysis. The observed
agreement between the nurse and the 3
orthopaedic surgeons was evaluated with a
one-way random-effect model with interclass
correlation with absolute agreement.
Furthermore the observed agreement for each
of the 3 surgeons with the nurse was calculated
Results: The distribution of MGS infection grade in the
1472 pin sites was: Grade 0; n=1372, Grade 1;
n=32, Grade 2; n=39, Grade 3; n=24, Grade 4;
n=5, Grade 5; n=0, Grade 6; n=0. The observed
agreement between the nurse and the surgeons
was calculated as 98%. The ICC estimated
between nurse and the surgeons was 0,8943
(ICC >0,85 = reliable). The grading was done by
three different doctors with an agreement with
the nurse as follows. Rater1 (n=239) =99,5 % ,
Rater2 (n=649) =97,4%, Rater3 (n=384)
Interpretation / Conclusion: A limitation to this study is that the dataset
represents mostly clean pin sites MGS 0. Only
100 pin sites had signs of superficial infection
MGS 1-4 and no sites with deep infection were
observed. We found that the MGS infection
score is highly reliable for low grade infections,
but we cannot conclude on reliability in severe
173. Therapist-led interventions to prevent hip dislocation and uncorrectable scoliosis among children with cerebral palsy
Lærke Hartvig Krarup¹, Pia Kjær Kristensen¹ ², Martin Bækgaard¹ ² Stisen, Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen¹ ² ³, Inger Mechlenburg¹ ²
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Denmark¹; Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus,
Denmark²; CPNorth: Living Life With Cerebral Palsy in the Nordic
Countries, Aarhus, Denmark³.
Background: Prevention of hip displacement and
scoliosis is a key concern among children
with cerebral palsy. Therapist-led
interventions may prevent aggravation of
the diseases and reduce or postpone the
need for surgery.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the
prevalence of hip displacement and
correctable scoliosis and the incidence of
hip dislocation and uncorrectable scoliosis
among children with cerebral palsy.
Moreover, to describe the variation in type
and frequency of therapist-led interventions
in the time period from identification of hip
displacement or correctable scoliosis until
the following physiotherapeutic assessment.
Materials and Methods: This population-based descriptive cohort
study was based on data from the Danish
Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Program. We
included all children registered with
radiographic and physiotherapeutic
assessment. We estimated the prevalence
of children with hip displacement and
correctable scoliosis and the incidence of
hip dislocation and uncorrectable scoliosis
in the time period 2010-2020. Type,
frequency, intensity and aim of therapist-led
interventions were descriptively compared
across the cohorts.
Results: The prevalence of hip displacement was
22% (95% CI: 0.19-0.23) and the
prevalence of correctable scoliosis was 26%
(95% CI: 0.24-0.28). The incidence of hip
dislocation was 1% (95% CI: 0.00-0.02) and
the incidence of uncorrectable scoliosis was
5% (95% CI: 0.03-0.06). The proportion of
children who received intensive treatment
was higher among children with hip
displacement than children with correctable
scoliosis. In both cohorts the primary aim of
the therapist-led interventions was to
increase joint range of motion. The use of a
standing aid among children with hip
displacement was frequent, whereas the
use of a spinal brace among children with
correctable scoliosis was rare.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Hip displacement and correctable scoliosis
are highly prevalent in children with CP,
whereas the incidence of hip dislocations
and uncorrectable scoliosis is low. For both
cohorts a smaller proportion than to be
expected received intensive treatment. The
proportion of children with correctable
scoliosis who used of a spinal brace was
surprisingly low.
174. Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia. Early experiences with the Paley protocol
Søren Kold, Ole Rahbek
Department of Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital
Background: Limb preserving surgery for congenital
pseudarthrosis of the tibia has historically
carried very high rates of non-union and
refracture. A new treatment algorithm by Paley
has in a case-series of 17 patients with an
average follow-up of 3.7 years resulted in a
calculated probability of 100% to achieve union
without refracture using external fixators. The
method has recently been improved to allow for
treatment without external fixator. However,
results from this surgery performed outside the
Paley Institute are currently not available.
Aim: This study reports preliminary results with the
Paley algorithm for CPT.
Materials and Methods: 2 patients with Crawford type IV congenital
pseudarthrosis of the tibia. The age at time of
surgery was 21 and 30 months. Both patients
received preoperative injections of zoledronic
acid to protect the autogenous bone graft from
resorption after implantation. The surgery
included: 1) resection of hamartoma and
resection of tibial and fibular bone to vital bone;
2) angular correction of the deformities; 3)
recanalization of tibial medullary canal and
stabilization with Fascier-Duval telescopic nail
combined with locking plate stabilization of the
tibia; 4) autogeneous cancellous bone graft and
periosteal grafting from the pelvis in
combination with recombinant bone
morphogenetic protein; 5) intramedullary fixation
of the fibula. The patients were kept in a long
leg cast for 2 weeks after surgery and hereafter
in a low leg cast until union. After union an
orthosis is applied for out-door activities.
Results: Patients became fully weightbearing and
ambulatory shortly after conversion to a low leg
cast 2 weeks postoperatively. Both patients
have succesful cross-sectional union between
the tibia and fibula. The telescopic nails function
in both patients. No refracture has occurred with
a follow-up of 5 and 26 months after primary
Interpretation / Conclusion: Preliminary results of the Paley protocol for CPT
in a Danish setting achieved 100% union
without use of external fixators. The low age at
surgery allows for surgical treatment prior to
proximal migration of the distal fibula. Long-term
follow up is warranted.
Poster Walk 7: Trauma
Chair: Joakim Jensen / Frederik Borup Danielsson
182. Higher Rate Of Nonunion In Bicondylar Tibial Plateau Fractures With A Tibial Tubercle Fragment
Derek Stenquist, Tyler Caton, Eric Chen , Selzer Faith, Marilyn Heng, Michael Weaver, Arvind von Keudell
a Harvard Medical School Orthopedic Trauma Initiative, Boston, MA
b Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program, Boston, MA
c Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Boston, MA
dDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: A separate tibial tubercle fragment (TF) is
found in up to half of all bicondylar tibial
plateau (BTP) fractures. Techniques to
address the TF include lag screws, plate
fixation, or cerclage wiring. Adequate
healing of the TF is required to reconstitute
the extensor mechanism of the knee.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare
functional outcomes and complications after
ORIF (Open reduction and internal fixation)
of BTP fractures with and without a TF.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of adult
patients undergoing ORIF of an AO/OTA 41-
C or Schatzker V/VI BTP fracture at two
Level 1 trauma centers. Radiographs and
computerized tomography (CT) scans were
reviewed to determine the presence of a
separate tubercle fragment (TF) and mode
of fixation if addressed. Primary outcomes
were the Patient-Reported Outcomes
Measurement Information System Physical
Function (PROMIS PF) score and
EUROQUOL-(EQ)-5D-3L. Secondary
outcomes included rates of infection,
reoperation, and nonunion.
Results: This analysis was comprised of 189 patients
(mean follow-up 8.1 years, range 1.1-16.5)
and TF was identified in 55 patients (29%).
Compared to NTF patients, those in the TF
group had more open fractures (16% vs 5%,
p=0.02) and more 41C3 fractures (65% vs
44%, p=0.01) but there was no significant
difference in the rates of deep infection
(15% vs 8%, p=0.19) or reoperation (23%
vs 13%, p=0.09) between the two groups.
There was no difference in PROMIS PF
(48.1 vs 47.5, p=0.45) or EQ-5D scores
(0.82 vs 0.83, p=0.32) between the TF and
NTF groups. Furthermore, there was no
difference in functional outcome according
to management of the TF. There was a
higher rate of nonunion in the TF cohort
compared to the NTF cohort (11% vs 2%,
p=0.02) but no difference in nonunion rate
according to mode of TF management (no
repair 0% vs screws 6% vs cerclage 15%,
Interpretation / Conclusion: In this retrospective cohort study of patients
with bicondylar tibial plateau fractures,
patients with a TF experienced more severe
injuries but no difference in functional
outcomes were detected compared patients
without a TF.
186. Risk Assessment of Accidents Involving Stand-up Electric Scooter Riders in Odense, Southern Denmark, in the Period of July 2019 to December 2021
Eva Lindhardt Hansen, Jens Lauritsen, Martin Lindberg-Larsen, Niels Dieter Röck
The Research Unit of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Odense University Hospital;
Accident Analysis Group, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Odense University
Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.
Background: Electric scooters (e-scooters), a new form of
personal transport device, was introduced in
rental programmes in Odense, Denmark, in
E-scooter riders are vulnerable road users,
who can legally travel at 20 km/h with little
noise and, prior to 2022, no required safety
gear. The risk of sustaining a trauma riding an
e-scooter has been shown to be 8-10 times
the risk of riding a bicycle. The safety of e-
scooters in an urban setting must be
examined to assess risk of accidents and the
severity of injuries. Both to inform the e-
scooter riders, the legislators and the health
personnel that care for the injured.
Aim: We aim to assess the number, characteristics
and severity of accidents involving riders of e-
scooters in Odense from their introduction July
2019 to December 2021.
Materials and Methods: All contacts to the emergency department of
Odense University Hospital are routinely
registered. We used this registry to identify all
injuries involving e-scooters from July 1st 2019 to
December 31st 2021. Resulting in 350 total
contacts, 320 involving riders of e-scooters. The
time of accident, sex, age and acquired injuries
were anonymously extracted and processed with
Results: Men comprised 2/3 of injured riders. The average
age of patients was 25 years old. 55 % of
accidents happened from Friday to Sunday.
Saturday night accounted for 11 % of total
accidents. The most common injuries were to the
upper extremities (47 %), seconded by head and
neck (33 %). 13 % wore a helmet at the time of
the accident. The injuries were of major severity
in 15 % of the cases and out-patient treatment
was most common (96 %). There were no
fatalities in the period.
Interpretation / Conclusion: From July 2019 to December 2021 there
were total 320 accidents involving riders of e-
scooters. The number increased every year.
Most accidents involved men, occurred in the
summer, during the weekend and at night.
Upper extremities, head and neck were the
most common injuries sites. Less than 1 in 7
riders wore a helmet with no significant
increase from 2019 to 2021. Most injuries
were of minor severity and there were no
Helmet-requirement was introduced by
January 2022, follow-up is needed to see the
effects of this new legislation.
187. Management of Aseptic Failure after ORIF of Complete Articular Tibial Plateau Fractures
Andrew Hresko, Mihir Dekhne, Phil Grisdela, Sravya Challa, Theodor Guild, Derek Stenquist, Arvind von Keudell a,b,c
aHarvard Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
bDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: Bicondylar tibial plateau (BTP) fractures are
complex injuries associated with high
complication rates following fixation. While
infection has received the greatest focus in
existing literature, aseptic failures after
ORIF such as loss of reduction, nonunion,
and symptomatic malunion have also been
reported and necessitate reoperation with
potential morbidity.
Aim: The primary aim of this study was to review
the clinical course associated with aseptic
failure following open reduction internal
fixation (ORIF) for BTP fracture.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective case series of adult
patients who underwent fixation of AO/OTA
41-C (Schatzker 6) BTP fractures at two
Level 1 trauma centers between 2001-2018
and developed aseptic failure (nonunion,
symptomatic malunion, loss of reduction, or
hardware failure) requiring reoperation.
Patients with deep surgical site infection
were excluded. Demographic, injury,
fracture, and initial fixation characteristics
were collected. Clinical course following
diagnosis of the index complication was
reviewed. Revision operation surgical
details, timing, and outcomes were
Results: 508 AO/OTA 41C fractures were identified,
with 26 experiencing aseptic failure of
fixation (5%): 15 nonunion, 6 symptomatic
malunion, 3 loss of reduction, 1 hardware
failure, and 1 fracture fragment
osteonecrosis. Mean age 52.7 years
(standard error [SE] 2.4), 50% female,
mean follow-up 4.0 years (SE 0.8).
Regarding initial injury, 3 (11.5%) were open
fractures, 6 (23.1%) were staged with
external fixation, and 4 (15.4%) required
flap coverage. After diagnosis of the index
complication, 15 (57.7%) underwent
revision ORIF.
Interpretation / Conclusion: BTP fractures are complex injuries that
require prolonged monitoring of bony
healing. Aseptic failure encompasses a
range of complications and is relatively rare
but can lead to a protracted treatment
course requiring multiple operations.
Revision ORIF for septic nonunion presents
particular challenges and was successful in
only half of cases in this series. A high
percentage of non-united fractures required
eventual TKA.
189. Gait recovery is not associated to soft tissue injury in patients with lateral tibial plateau fractures
Petrer Larsen1,2, Rasmus Elsoe2
1 Department of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Aalborg
University Hospital, Denmark.
2 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital,
Background: Although soft tissue injuries following lateral
tibial plateau fractures are common, little is
known regarding functional recovery and
postoperative development in specific gait
Aim: The aim of the present study was to report
12-month gait recovery in patients with
lateral tibial plateau fractures divided into
groups with and without conservatively
managed MRI-verified soft tissue injuries.
Materials and Methods: The study design was a prospective cohort
study. Included were patients treated
following a lateral tibial plateau fracture
(AO-41B) between December 2013 and
November 2016. The primary outcome
score was gait patterns.
Results: Fifty-six patients were included. The mean
age of the patients at the time of fracture
was 56 years (range 22-86). Thirty-three
patients (59 %) were female. Twenty-eight
patients (50 %) presented with preoperative
soft tissue injuries. Basic characteristics of
the gait show a mean gait speed of 125.7
(SD31.3) cm/sec. for patients with soft
tissue injuries and 125.2 (SD31.1) cm/sec.
for patients without soft tissue injuries
(P=0.96). Patients with and without soft
tissue injuries show no significant difference
in % asymmetry of gait function, although
gait asymmetry was common in both
Interpretation / Conclusion: Twelve months of gait recovery following
lateral tibial plateau fractures were not
associated with MRI-verified soft tissue
injuries. More research is needed to
investigate the effects of treatment
strategies and rehabilitation.
Peter Larsen 1,2, Oscar Plazer3, Lærke Lollergaard3, Samuel Pedersen3, Peter Nielsen3, Michael Rathleff1,3, Thomas Bandholm4, Stefan Jensen2, Rasmus Elsoe2
1 Department of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Aalborg
University Hospital, Aalborg Denmark.
2 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital,
Aalborg Denmark.
3 Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University,
Aalborg, Denmark.
4 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Research – Copenhagen (PMR-C),
Department of Physio- and Occupational Therapy, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Clinical Research, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Amager and Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Background: Blood flow restricted exercise (BFRE) is
characterized by muscle strength training
with low external weight loads (20-30% of
one-repetition maximum (1RM)) combined
with a pneumatic cuff inflation that partly
reduces arterial blood flow and limits
venous return, thus, elevating metabolic
stimulus in the working muscles. Due to the
low external weight needed, BFRE seems
useful in the rehabilitation of patients with
ankle fractures, and may reduce the
negative effects of immobilization.
Aim: The objective was to investigate the
feasibility of blood flow restricted exercise
(BFRE) as a rehabilitation modality in
patients with a unilateral ankle fracture.
Materials and Methods: Feasibility study with a prospective cohort
design. Inclusion criteria were above 18
years of age and unilateral ankle fractures.
Exclusion criteria: history of cardiac or
embolic diseases, cancer, diabetes,
hypertension and family history of cardio or
vascular diseases. The predefined feasibility
outcome was based on three criteria
regarding patients experience with
participating in the BFRE protocol and the
absence of any serious adverse events.
Results: Eight patients were included. Median age
was 33 years (range: 23-60). All eight
patients reported maximum satisfaction on
the two questions regarding patient’s
perception of the overall experience with
BFRE training and the feasibility to
introduce BFRE as an intervention.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Early use of BFRE in patients with unilateral
ankle fractures seems feasible in patients
without comorbidity.
193. Complications and Soft Tissue Coverage After Complete Articular, Open Tibial Plateau Fractures
Phillip Grisdela, Jeffrey Olson, Theodore Guild, Mihir Dekhne, Andrew Hresko, Upender Singh, Michael Weaver, Arvind Von Keudell, Derek Stenquist
Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program 1,2,3,5,9; Harvard Medical
School 4; Rigshospitalet, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Copenhagen
University 6; Brigham and Women's Hospital 7,8
Background: Bicondylar tibial plateau (BTP) fractures are
associated with high-energy mechanisms and
open fractures are reported in 11-16%. The
optimal timing of definitive fixation and soft
tissue coverage is still debated.
Aim: The primary aim was to evaluate the incidence
of complications following these injuries. The
secondary aim was to study the effect of timing
of fixation and timing of flap coverage on deep
infection rates following open reduction internal
fixation (ORIF).
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective case series of adult
patients who had ORIF of Schatzker 6 open,
BTP fractures at two Level 1 trauma centers
between 2001-2018. Demographic, injury, and
fracture data were collected. Surgical details
including number of debridements, timing of
definitive ORIF and soft tissue coverage relative
to injury were recorded. Primary outcomes
included rates of deep infection and unplanned
Results: 508 BTP fractures were identified, with 51 open
fractures: mean (SD) age 45.7 (12.3) years,
72% male, mean (SD) follow up of 4.3 (39.8)
years. Forty-two (82%) were Gustilo-Anderson
type III open injuries. A median (IQR) of 2 (1-3)
debridements were required prior to closure.
Twenty-four (47%) patients underwent acute
ORIF (<24 hours). Twelve patients (24%)
received a primary flap at mean (SD) 6.4 (3.9)
days following injury. Five (35%) were
simultaneous “fix and flap” procedures. Another
14 (27%) required a secondary flap for wound
complications. The overall deep infection rate
was 39% and unplanned reoperation 86%.
Among patients with type IIIB and C injuries,
rates of deep infection (83% vs 17%, p = 0.02)
and reoperation (83% vs 33%, p = 0.08) were
higher in patients treated with delayed (>7 days)
versus early flap coverage. There was no
difference in infection (29 vs. 48%, p=0.16) and
unplanned reoperation (33 vs. 52%, p=0.18)
rates between acute (<24hrs) and delayed
Interpretation / Conclusion: Time to flap coverage greater than 7 days was
associated with higher rates of deep infection
and unplanned reoperation in this cohort.
Patients with these injuries should be counseled
about the high rate of complications. Definitive
soft tissue coverage should be accomplished as
soon as feasible.
198. Outcomes after ORIF of Bicondylar Schatzker VI (AO Type C) Tibial Plateau Fractures in an Elderly Population
Mihir Dekhne, Derek Stenquist, Nishant Suneja, Michael Weaver, Michael Moerk Petersen, Anders Odgaard, Arvind von Keudell
Mihir S. Dekhne(a,b), Derek Stenquist(b,c), Nishant Suneja(b,c), Michael
Weaver(b,c), Michael Moerk Petersen(d,e), Anders Odgaard(d,e), Arvind von
Keudell (b,c,d)
aHarvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
bHarvard Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
dDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
eDepartment of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: The surgical management of bicondylar tibial
plateau (BTP) fractures in elderly patients aims
to restore knee stability while minimizing soft
tissue complications.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare injury
characteristics and surgical outcomes after
ORIF of BTP fractures (AO/OTA 41-C
(Schatzker VI)) in young (< 50 years) versus
elderly (> 65 years) patients.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted
using data from two American College of
Surgeons (ACS) level I trauma centers.
Inclusion criteria were: (1) age 18 years or older,
(2) bicondylar tibial plateau fracture (AO/OTA
41-C or Schatzker VI), (3) treatment with ORIF,
and (4) minimum of 6 months follow-up. Patients
between 50 and 65 years of age were excluded.
Data collection was performed by reviewing
electronic medical records, operative reports,
and radiology reports.
Results: We identified 323 patients (61% male) with 327
BTP fractures and a median follow-up of 685
days. There were 230 young patients (71%) <
50 years and 93 elderly patients (29%) >6 5
years at time of presentation. Elderly patients
were significantly more likely to have a low
energy mechanism of injury (44.6 vs. 16.2%, p <
0.001), and present with diabetes (19.4 vs.
4.4%, p < 0.001) or coronary artery disease
(12.9 vs. 1.3%, p < 0.001). Elderly patients were
also significantly less likely to undergo staged
management with initial knee-spanning external
fixation followed by delayed ORIF (19.2 vs.
33.9%, p = 0.008). Elderly patients had a lower
arc of motion at final follow-up (105 vs. 113, p <
0.001) and reduced PROMIS-10 function scores
(43.8 vs. 49.8, p=0.013). No differences were
observed in rates of superficial infection, deep
infection, reoperation, or EQ-5D scores.
Interpretation / Conclusion: This is the largest study to compare injury
characteristics and outcomes after ORIF of BTP
fractures according to age. Elderly patients (age
> 65 years) sustained BTP fractures by lower
energy mechanisms than their younger
counterparts with similar fracture patterns and
were often managed with ORIF. The results of
this study suggest that ORIF of BTP fractures in
elderly patients is associated with similar
complication rates and outcomes as in younger
Simon Comtesse 1, Arvind von Keudell 2,3, Stephen Ferguson, Thomas Zumbrunn
1. Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; 2. Department of
Orthopaedic Trauma, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, USA;
3.Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: For complex peri-articular fractures, it is
often unclear how the screws and plates
should be positioned to achieve maximum
stability. Postoperative immobilization is
often depended on this. Hence, outcomes
may heavily depend on the surgeon’s
Aim: Our goal is to introduce a method for
quantitative evaluation of fracture-fixation
stability, by means of finite element analysis
and musculoskeletal modelling.
Materials and Methods: Based on a pre-operative computed
tomography (CT) scan, ten bone fragments
of a right proximal bicondylar tibia fracture
(Schatzker 6) were segmented and aligned
to achieve adequate fracture reduction.
Bone material properties were assigned
from Hounsfield Units based on internal
density calibration. According to the post-
operative CT scan, 3D models of the
implanted stainless-steel screws were
designed and aligned to the bone fragments
thereby reverse-engineering the clinical
Knee joint reaction forces and muscle
forces were imported from a subject-specific
musculoskeletal gait model during mid-
stance phase (AnyBody Technology,
Denmark) and implemented in the Finite
Element Model
Results: A maximum displacement of 1.62mm was
found at the proximal aspect of the lateral
fragment. The maximum von Mises stress
(423MPa) was located on the most distal
lateral screw,
Interpretation / Conclusion: After validation of the model, fragment
movement could be related to fracture
healing and serve as a predictive tool for
clinical outcome. Possible hardware failure
could be predicted by means of von Mises
stresses in the screws. Furthermore, this
process may enable development of more
effective patient-specific implants in the
Poster Walk 8: Tumor - Spine
Chair: Michael Bendtsen / Dennis Hallager
209. Effect of negative pressure wound therapy after surgical removal of deep-seated high-malignant soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities and trunk wall – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Andrea Pohly Thorn¹ , Yilmaz Müjgan¹ , Skovlund Michala², Jensen Claus Lindkær¹ , Michael Mørk Petersen¹
¹ Rigshospitalet – University of Copenhagen, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
² Bispebjerg Hospital - Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Background: Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of rare
malignant tumors in the musculoskeletal system.
The reported incidence is 300 cases per year in
Denmark (250 Soft tissue sarcomas (STS)
including 100 retroperitoneal/abdominal STS and
50 bone sarcomas). The main treatment
principles is surgery supplemented with adjuvant
radiotherapy depending on subtype and stage.
STS surgery is often combined with pre- or
postoperative radiation therapy and is a high-risk
procedure concerning wound complications and
postoperative infections.
A previous retrospective study showed that
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)
reduced the risk of wound complications in
patients with lower extremity STS..
Aim: The aim of this research project is to improve the
surgical treatment of STS treatment. We want to
evaluate the effect of the use of NPWT versus a
conventional wound dressing on postoperative
wound complications after surgical removal of deep-
seated high-malignant STS of the extremities or
trunk wall.
Materials and Methods: RCT (no blinding) where patients will be
randomized to wound closure with staples and
either NPWT for 7 days or a conventional wound
dressing. Randomization sequence will be
computer generated and based upon sample
size calculation, using previously published data,
we have decided to include 154 STS patients, 77
in each group, and to make allowance for
dropouts we plan to include 160 patients.
Patient's wounds will be followed with photo
documentation on day 0, day 7, at definitive
wound healing (removal of staples), 4 months
postoperatively and in case of major wound
Our Primary study endpoint is a major wound
complication defined as in O’Sullivan et al. within
4 months after surgery and includes following:
Secondary operation under general or regional
anesthesia for wound repair, wound
management without secondary operation or
readmission for wound care.
Results: The study is on-going, and result are not finalized.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Many new medical devises and technical solutions
are currently introduced and even though some
documentation regarding the use of NPWT e.g. in
joint replacement surgery exist it is also important to
seek documentation for this treatment principle in
STS surgery
210. Sclerotherapy of aneurysmal bone cysts with polidocanol
Kolja Weber, Claus Lindkær Jensen, Michael Mørk Petersen
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) are benign cystic
bone lesions, which make up approx. 2% of all
primary bone tumors. As an alternative to the
primary treatment of choice, which consists of
curettage with bone grafting, alternative treatment
methods with promising results have been
described. At our department we have in recent
years used percutaneous sclerotherapy with
polidocanol. Here we present our experience with
this method.
Aim: To identify the efficacy and safety of sclerotherapy
with polidocanol.
Materials and Methods: Sixteen consecutive patients (mean age 12
years; range 4-25) with 17 ABCs treated with
sclerotherapy with polidocanol from 2015-2020
were included retrospectively. Under general
anesthesia and fluoroscopic guidance, repeated
percutaneous injections of 4mg polidocanol/kg
body weight were performed. Through review of
the electronic medical records, the following
were identified: healing and recurrence rate,
number of treatments, gender, age, comorbidity,
location of the tumor, side effects / complications
as well as any previous surgery for ABC. The
mean length of radiographic follow up was 20
Results: All ABCs except one healed after a mean of 4 (range
1-8) injections. Complete clinical and radiographic
healing was observes in 10 cysts, while partial
radiographic healing without clinical symptoms were
seen in 6 cases and were considered to be healed.
The cyst that failed to heal had previously
undergone curettage twice with recurrence. One
patient with a pelvic ABC experienced right after two
injections, possibly due to an allergic reaction, a
sudden drop in blood pressure which could quickly
be reversed. Further than that, no complications
were observed.
Interpretation / Conclusion: Percutaneous sclerotherapy with polidocanol is an
efficient and safe alternative to conventional surgery
for the treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts. Our
findings corroborate data presented in previous
177. The outcomes after Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion(ALIF): Our experience
Ari Demirel, Renata Terzic, Jon Kaspersen, Søren Peter Eiskjær
Department of Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital
Background: ALIF is a well-established treatment for degenerative
disc disease. Poly-ether-ether-ketone(PEEK) ALIF
cages have many advantages: Relative
radiolucency, elasticity closer to bone and showing
less subsidence.
Aim: The goal of this study was to determine the
radiological outcomes and complications after ALIF
Materials and Methods: Retrospective review of patients with ALIF(PEEK
cage) surgery from 2014 to 2020 in our center.
Complications were noted. Bone union determined
with Bridwell classification. Pre and post-operative
X-rays, X-rays at the last follow-up reviewed.
Anterior (A)-posterior (P) disc space height (DSH),
segmental lordosis (SL) at the ALIF levels, global
lumbar lordosis (GL) measured.
Results: 56 patients (M:25, F:31) and 80 ALIF cages were
reviewed. The diagnoses were: 33 discus
degeneration, 16 spondylolisthesis, 7 non-union.
The respective median age of surgery and
follow-up duration(months) for these groups
were: 47(37-54) /14(12-24), 45(40-52) /22(14-
27), 57(51-62) /17(16-25). Complications were: 3
venous lesions, 2 misplaced screws, 1 renal
dysfunction, 1 rupture of the rectus abdominis
and transverse fascia, 1 loose pedical screw, 1
anterior superficial wound infection, 4 relaxations
of the left rectus abdominis musculature, 1
posterior deep infection, 2 adjacent level
degenerations. Bridwell fusion were: 1 in 72
cages, 2 in 6 cages and 4 in 2 cages. The A-
DSH and P-DSH L3/L4, L4/L5, L5/S1
significantly increased from preoperatively to
immediately postoperatively and compared to the
distance at last follow up. The A-DSH and P-
DSH L4/L5, L5/S1 decreased significantly from
immediately postoperatively to last follow-up. In
L4/L5, the decrease in P-DSH from immediately
postoperatively to last follow up was insignificant.
Only for the L5/S1 level did the SL increase
significantly from preoperatively to immediately
postoperatively and compared to the angle at
last follow-up. No significant changes noted in
the GL.
Interpretation / Conclusion: The use of ALIF(PEEK cage) with posterior fixation
resulted in very low non-union rate (2,5%). It
generally increased DSH and conserved or
increased lordosis. The approach related
complications are comparable to the complication
rates in the literature.
178. Demineralized cortical fibers are associated with low pseudarthrosis rate in patients undergoing surgery for adult spinal deformity without three-column osteotomy
Martin Heegaard, Tanvir Johanning Bari, Benny Dahl, Lars Valentin Hansen, Martin Gehrchen
Spine Unit, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Background: Demineralized cortical fibers (DCF) were introduced
in 2017 at our institution aiming to reduce
pseudarthrosis rate after surgery for adult spinal
deformity (ASD). We have previously demonstrated
that the use of DCF in ASD patients undergoing
procedures including 3COs reduces the risk of
pseudarthrosis compared to patients receiving
autologous and allogenic bone graft.
Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate
the effect of DCF on postoperative pseudarthrosis
after surgery for ASD without a three-column
osteotomy (3CO).
Materials and Methods: All patients undergoing surgery for ASD were
retrospectively screened at our institution from 2017-
2019, excluding patients having 3CO surgery.
Patients were included if DCF was applied from at
least L3-sacrum. All patients had a minimum of 2-
year follow-up. The main outcome was CT-verified
postoperative pseudarthrosis with implant failure
(rod breakage or screw loosening) requiring revision
Results: Fifty-three patients were included for final analysis.
Revision surgery due to CT-verified postoperative
pseudarthrosis occurred in 13% (n=7). Nine percent
(n=5) of the patients had major postoperative
Interpretation / Conclusion: Our study is the first to investigate the use of DCF in
patients undergoing ASD surgery without 3CO. Our
results suggest that the use of DCF is associated
with a low incidence of postoperative pseudarthrosis
requiring revision surgery compared to previously
published studies.
179. Definitions of Segmental Instability in the Degenerative Lumbar Spine – a Systematic Review
Signe Forbech Elmose¹, Gustav Østerheden Andersen¹, Leah Yacat Carreon¹, Freyr Gauti Sigmundsson², Mikkel Østerheden Andersen¹
Center for Spine Surgery and Research, Spine Center of Southern Denmark, Lillebaelt
Hospital, Oestre Hougvej 55, DK-5500 Middelfart¹ ; Department of Orthopaedic surgery,
Örebro University Hospital, Södra Grev Rosengatan, SE-70185 Örebro²
Background: What defines segmental instability of the lumbar
spine has been a clinical and scientific question for
almost a century. In patients with lumbar
degenerative spondylolisthesis (LDS) and spinal
stenosis (LSS) the definition of segmental instability
has an impact on surgical decision-making, as its
presence may require a fusion procedure in addition
to decompression. Despite this, the operational
definition of segmental instability varies.
Aim: - To collect and group definitions of segmental
instability, reported in surgical studies of patients
with LSS and/or LDS
- To report the frequencies of these definitions
- To report on imaging measurement thresholds for
instability in patients and compare these to those
reported in biomechanical studies and studies of
spine healthy individuals
- To report on studies that include a reliability study.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a systematic review according to
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Studies
eligible for inclusion were clinical and biomechanical
studies on adult LDS and/or LSS patients who
underwent surgical treatment and with data on
diagnostic imaging. A systematic literature search
was conducted in relevant databases. Full text
screening inclusion criteria was definition of
segmental instability or any synonym. Two reviewers
independently screened articles in a two-step
process. Data synthesis presented by tabulate form
and narrative synthesis.
Results: We included 118 studies for data extraction, 69 %
were surgical studies with decompression or fusion
as interventions, 31 % non-interventional studies.
Grouping the definitions of segmental instability
according similarities showed that 24% defined
instability by dynamic sagittal translation, 26 %
dynamic translation and dynamic angulation, 8%
used a narrative definition. Comparison showed that
non-interventional studies with a healthy population
more often had a narrative definition.
Interpretation / Conclusion: To our knowledge this is the largest review of
literature on segmental instability. Despite a
reputation of non-consensus, segmental instability in
the degenerative lumbar spine can radiologically be
defined as > 3mm dynamic sagittal translation.